chapter 7

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LOUIS POV *still past*

I put on the DVD and we sat to watch it, we were all so interested, that girl appeared in the right moment and i'm pretty sure that she made something to Niall because he has been really strange the last hour.

the video started it was her, she had filmed herself

"Hello guys, my name is Claire and i have been your fan the last 2 years, and well i have to say being part of this fandom has been the best thing ever happened to me, i made my best friends i met amazing people and most of all, i have laughed, smiled and sometimes cry so much and all thanks to you.Now if you want to, i would love to read to each one a letter i wrote for you the day... the day i knew i'll probably wont have the time alive to meet you; first Zayn"

-wait! - liam shouted i put pause to the video

- what's wrong? - Zayn asked

- why dont we leave the room so only him hear, after all the letter is just for him, when it ends call the next one and like that we all hear our part

- actually I think is a good idea- i said, we all nodded

- ok let's go to the kitchen guys- Harry said, and we left.


i played the video and heard what Claire had to tell me

" first Zayn, Zayn you bradfor bad boy showed me so many things, i remeber the time i was on my room watching the x factor bootcamp and you were on my screen, you didnt wanted to go out to the stage even when you knew your voice was impressive and i tought oh how a cute guy, he is so adorable. ... some weeks after you was already part of one direction and you were singing in the live shows and making those video diaries that was when my mind changed and i stopped saying how a cutie and started saying what a gorgeous guy... you always inspired me to try things, to never give up, and that if i havent tried it before i have to do it to prove myself my limits, and also, you made me realise that maybe i am shy or different from the rest of the girls but that is not bad because i can be whoever i want to, so Zayn, thank you, thank you so much for having such an amazing voice and sharing it with the world" she smiled and stopped for a second " in second place we have Harry.." i stopped it and with a tear about to scape from my eye i went to the kitchen

- Harry she wants to talk to you next


We were in silence, none wanted to talk or maybe none had anything to say, it was weird that a girl we didnt even met had this kind of impact in our life, we were drinking water and eating some chips when Zayn came in

- Harry she wants to talk to you next- i walked out of the room and sat at the couch, i put play

"in second place we have Harry, haz, harold. .. you curly hair lad gave me 2 lessons that i won't forget not even when i'll be dead, number one : the age doesn't matter when it's about love, the women can be older and if it's true love it will result, and number 2: people always have bad things to say about us, but not everyone hates us, maybe im not the best singer and people will say i suck at singing but i'n not that bad when it's about painting, maybe one perfomance wasn't the best but you shined in the rest, and comparing your audition with your performances of this year... well curly you have change so much you are now absolutly one of the best singers of the world, every time i hear you sing you give me chills and I'm so greatful that i had the opportunity of hearing you more than once... and now dear Liam" i stopped it


"and now dear Liam, thank you so much for making me beleive that not just because some time people say no to us it means we can't make our dreams come true, thank you for prove me that with hard work i can do whatever i want to,but most of all i cant thank you enough for being so good with all of your fans, all those twitcams, follow spree, random tweets and pictures meant to me more that words can describe, so dear Liam from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I' m about to finish, i hope you aren't bored, and now is time for the swaga master from Doncaster..."


Everyone was in silence Zayn and Harry were lost on their toughts and Niall was too concentrated on his chips so i deceided no to talk to anyone, suddenly Liam entered to the room

-Im glad we could help her at least one time, all yours Louis- he said smiling but sad

-Why i have to be the last? - Niall whispered but i heard him I walked out of the room and click the play

" and now is time for th swaga master from Doncaster" i smiled at her even knowing she wasnt there, but the use of that nickname. made me smile " do yoy get angry if i call you boo bear? i hope not... well boo even knowing you dont know me I feel like you are the big brother i nver had, because all the time is like you are doing all the possible to make me smile and forget about the problems, I lost the count of how many times i had cry because laughing too much of what you say and what you do, you have changed so muc since i first saw a video of you that just of thinking it i want to cry , lou im really thankful for every smile you gave to me but i have to ask you one favor, dont change please don't hear what people say most of us the dirctioners all what we want is you to be happy if that means have a girlfriend do it, if that means be stupid do it cause we love you just that way, Louis be happy because when you are happy you make me happy and im so glad i had the opportunity of saw you smile, thank you. And last but never less Niall"


louis came in and i never tought i woyld see him like that, he wasn't smiling and a little tear scape from his eye, without a word he sat and i knew it was my turn.


hello guys!!! i hope you liked this chapter and im sorry for uploading so slow because of that I'll try to upload another chapter (but short) before Christmas, love you all and dont forget to comment, vote and tell your friends about it!! Xxx

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