chapter 21

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some hours later i was alone in my room trying to figure out what i should wear, the lads had said a dress but i didnt knew which type of dress, and "for going out" didnt helped that much i sighed and layed in my bed for some minutes when there was a knock in my door. 

-come in- i said not moving a single muscle 

-hey babe- Niall said i sat up and smiled at him 


-what are you doing?- he asked amused 

-trying to figure out what im supoussed to wear 

-dont wear anything too short and everything will be alright 

-what?- i asked confused i mean is not the type of request your boyfriend will ask, is it? 

-im not going with you baby- he read my mind 

-WHAT?- i asked  

-this is going to be you and them, is the tradition the boyfriend cant go - he said coming near to me 

-tradition?- i rolled my eyes- am i seriously have to go with them?- i asked scaared he laughed

-yes yu have, but dont be scared you still have some power on them,- i laughed

- so what you think about this dress?- i asked taking out a REALLY short dress

-Absolutly no!- he shouted makinmg me cracked up

-im kidding babe i wont use that never- i said and it was serious it was too short for me. at the end i chossed some black leggings and an aqua shirt, i didnt put on too much makeup and my high heels were aqua too, and when i was ready i went downstairs to find niall and the rest there, they smiled at me -ready to go?- louis asked excited

-yup- i said nodding tehy all went out and into the car while i stayed aftyer them and i felt someone wraping my waist

-you look absolutly beautiful- an irish accent said in my ear

-thank you- i blushed  

- have fun, but not too much ok?- he almost begged 

-dont worry, i'll be fine- i said giving a sweet kiss to his check he smiled at me 

-i wont see you in hours and thats all i get!- he exclamed i smiled at him and gave him a quivk peck on the lips before rushing after the lads.

if i only knew what was waitting for me...

When the car stopped we were infront of a club, not funny actually, tons of people were there trying to enter to the place, i wasnt even a little happy with the idea,but before i knew it the 4 lads and me went inside.  

Everyone was smoking and drinking, and not exactly lemonade. .. it disgusted me and i couldnt understand why they had choosed tha place 

-why here?- i asked Louis 

-because we havent been in a club for a while! c'mon it wont hurt anyone to have some fun 

-this is not fun to me- i replied but he didnt heard. 

-Liam- i looked at the boy beside me- i dont like this, not even a little 

-dont worry babe, we are just going to hhhave fun, relax, we wont let anything bad happen to you- he smiled at me and i nodded even tough i knew i shouldnt be there. 

The guys were soon drunk or at least more than happy, the only who was still in his senses was Liam. The night hadnt been that bad but i wasnt enyoing it at all, it made me sick to see so many people drunk, smoking and so lost. 

If they only knew they were killing theirselves, while some people was begging for some more seconds of live as i had done. 

That tought make me sad, i knew i soon was having to leave the earth and keep with whatever came after this life, but the worst of all, is that i knew, whatever was waitting for me, Niall wouldnt be with me. If it wasnt because someone interrupted my thinking i would be crying, but i received a harsh hit from someone. I looked around and saw a guy with a knife, obviously more than drunk, but that wasnt the problem, the thing was he was fighting, and after hitting me he seemed to forgot about the other guy and looked angry at me. 

He slowly approached to me, his breath smelled like alcohol and i felt thhe cold knife in my neck 

-hello sweethheart- his raspy voice said i stayed frozen- is a shame you were in my way- he smirked and touched my check before i heard someone yelling  

-NOOO!!- Zayn and Liam shouted at unison the guy looked at them and waas getting away from me but the alcohol he had drink was too much and he stumbled with his own feet and fell in my feet the knife cutting my knee making me fell instantanly to the ground and whimper in pain.


sorry for making you wait so much!! i really am sorry! i promise im uploading again one large so you dont kill me please vote and comment!! love you all!

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