chapter 15

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It was another morning, a week had passed since we were at the beach house and things were going more than fine, the guys didnt hate me anymore and i loved them all.

They were all at the pool right now, and i, as always was watching them

-hey Claire! come here!- Harry said

-Im dressed Haz


-I'm not swimming with clothes...

-oh Claire!- Louis said making puppy face

-nop- i said and with my final answer went inside. I was drinking fresh water when the guys came into the house with towels around them

-are you hungry?- i asked

-yes!- Niall answered

-food will be ready in a minute- i said smiling

And as i said some minutes later we were sitting at the table eating our meal.

I looked around me, the 5 guys too interested in their conversations to notice me staring at them. I felt bad, i felt like if i was putting them in a prission, Lou, Zayn and Liam havent seen their girlfriends for a week and i felt sorry for them.

-guys?- i said in a whisper when we finished eating

-yes Claire?- Liam answered/asked


-you..?- Harry said

-i was thinking that, well as you know today is friday and. .. well i had this idea that maybe you can go out if you want to... go to a club, see your girlfriends or..- i havent finished my sentence when 5 lads were hugging me not letting me breath- guys .. i cant breath

they all left me and gave me huge smiles each

-are you serious?- Louis asked

-yes, just if you promise not to be that drunk when you come back, i dont want Paul to kick me

-omg! i love you! Danielle will be really happy!- Liam said and after giving me another grupal hug Louis,Liam and Zayn ran to call their girlfriends while Harry shouted after them 100 diferent clubs they could go to.Niall was still looking at me

-whats up Niall?arent you calling anyone?

-no...i actually was thinking what are you going to do?

-I'm staying here

-why? you dont like nightclubs?

-nop, dont laugh at me but i have never been into one- he smiled at me

-can i stay with you?- that took my by surprise

-you dont want to go out?

-no, im not in the mood

-well sure... - i said

-thanks- he said smiling at me.

Some hours after the four lads went out, promising me they wont drink too much and asking Niall and me to go with them, we both said no. After they left Niall asked

-and what are we doing?

-well i dont know about you, but i want to go to the sea a moment

-am i invited? or you want to go by your own?

-you can come if you want Niall... today im not going to tell anyone waht not to do, you are free of doing whatever you want except from getting drunk...- he chuckled at my answer

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