Chapter 1

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I woke up at the sound of the cars at the street, the sunlight was entering throw my window and I could hear how the city was starting to wake up as well. In the tree in front of my room was living a bird family that started to sing a sweet melody. I sat up and found that my mom wasn't there anymore, I put attention on the sounds of the house and after a minute I heard someone in the kitchen: my mom without a doubt, thats when I remembered the last night, all the tears of my mom, and how I couldn't sleep because overthinking all this thing.

I stared at my walls, so many pictures with so many people and in so many places, how many good memories.... then my eyes arrived to the zone where I had paste all my posters I watched each of them carefully thinking about how much each one of those famous people had changed my life until I arrived to my favourite one.

it was a picture of this boy band named One Direction, each of this five guys had show me so many things, i remembered how I was crazy for them since the begining, how every single week I asked all my friends to vote for them, how I cried cause they didn't won, and how I cried when their first single came out, those guys showed me that anything is possible, to not be afraid of anything, but most of all to follow my dreams.

Before I could have noticed it I was crying, how could 5 lads I didn't even knew could be so important in my life and now that it was ending I would never have the oportunity of meeting them.... I took out some tears and went to the bathroom for taking a long shower, when I finally was relaxed I came out and dressed myself. I deceided to wear a white top with my favourite dark jeans and my red hoodie, putting my hair in a messy bun and left my room.

When I was at the end of the stairs a delicious smell of chocolate waffles went to my nose

-good morning mumy

-good morning Claire, sit down breakfast is ready- I smiled and did so

-did you sleep well?

-yes and you?-I lied

-yes-we stayed in silence something that never happened to us

She was being misterious and I couldn't understand what was she hidding from me

-everything right mum?-

-eeee... yea why?

- you are acting weird

-ok I cant shut up for more time I have a surprise for you!

-a surprise?

-yes! we are having a party tonight!-What? She was kidding right? A party after yesterdays news?

-a party? like with people and music and all?

-what other kind of parties you know princess?

-and why we are having a party?- I asked not answering her question

-why not! every day is a good reason to celebrate

-well... and and. ... who is coming?

-oh... just some friends of yours. .. not a big deal.

-mom how many people did you invited?

- I dont know... 50?60??

-WHAT? 60?

-or 50... I'm not sure

- ok...- I took a deep breathe - so we need to go to the supermarket and buy chips and water and..

-oh dont worry I'll go you can stay here and do whatever you want thats fine?

-yes perfect- she waved at me and leaved, my mother was crazy always making noise and dancing around the house most of times I felt like I was the mature and responsible one in there and not her , I finished my breakfast and went to the tv room, there wasn't anything interesting at that hour so I watched one of those gossip programmes were most of what they say is a lie.

"so here we have on of the most interesting news of the moment! we are as excited as most of you!" the women said "a moment ago the amazing band of One Direction confirmed that they are taking a time this month to relax and be with their families and friends! and we all know that means more twitcams and most important of all it means more possibilities of found them walking around" yea sure... if they have millions of girls searching for them they won't put a feet at the street... plus lately they have been in a bad mood or something because the last time they did a twitcam or stopped to talk with fans was like 2 months ago

I turn off the tv annoyed by it and cleaned up all what i could, after not being in the house for a week there weren't too much things to clean up, I went to my room and took my ipod starting to hear my music with the volume all the way up and started signing as loud as I could until the door opened and I saw my mom smiling at me.

-having fun hun?

-hmmm... yes hehe- I said blushing and laughing nervoursly

- well come here and help me we have 6 hours to have everything ready

-fine-I smiled and went to help her to move the couches to the garden and put a lots of chairs there too, like my mom love to organise parties we have lots of those things in the backyard, I took out the sound system we bought last christmas and connect my ipod so we could have music while we finished the rest of the organisation.

Some hours later when we had already everything preapered I went up to my room to search what was I going to wear. I found a purple dress and put it on with my silver high heels letting my black hair curly as it is natural and putting on some natural make up: a bit of pink lipstick and mascara so I was myself.

I heard the first people entering to the house so I went downstairs to welcome everyone.

My mom wasn't lying when she said there was comig a lot of people all my friends where there as same as some of my cousins and lots of people I didn't even knew.

The music was as loud as it could be everyone was dancing and talking and everyone felt happy and confortable until I decided it was time to tell my friends what doctors have discovered.


hi my lovely readers!!! oh true. .. i dont have. .. anyway i hope that if some is reading this you enjoyed the chapter and i need to ask you to be patient cause i cant upload that soon but the next chapter im sure youll love it i really apreciate all type of comments and if you want to have a dedication just tell me, fan me or vote my fanfic

loads of love Xxxx

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