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when you die, time stops for you,you dont get older,but you can actually get younger, you live with the same age of your happiest time of your life.

For me? well im stuck on the age i had when i met Niall, and i dont mind it even a little bit, because every time i look myself on the mirror i remember all of our moments together.

It has been exactly 37 years 8 months 4 days and 13 hours since the day i died and left niall. Since then i have been keeping my promise and i look after him as much as i can, the problem is, im not a guardian angel, so i cant" legally" take care of him, what i do? i am best friends with Jean, Niall's guardian angel, and he, every single day, tells me whats going on with Niall, thats why i know he's coming soon, he s terribly sick, and im worried for him, i dont want him to suffer, but at the same time i want to see him again.


she was still in love with him, but she was scared, scared that after all this time Niall had forgot about her, Niall never got married,he never found someone, the other lads did and had their own families, one direction was over after 20 years of singing together but they are still friends nowdays.

Niall is sick, he got cancer, and even when doctors are trying to give him more time he doesnt wants to keep living with medicines.

Claire was at the amphetheatre in the center of the golden city thnking about her past life when Niall took out his last breath.


Happiness. thats what i felt when i heard that annoying beep stopping, there was a light in front of me, and a black silohuette i couldnt recognize, but for sure it was a man

-hi Nialler- he said and i smiled walking towards him

-hi Greg- i smiled to my brother

-how are you little brother?

-better than ever i feel new

-wait to look at yourself- he chuckled i frowned, and thats when i noticed he looked in his 30's, like the age he had when he had his second son

-do i look sick?- i asked worried

-not at all- he guided me towards a hall were the walls stopped being white and started being golden, i looked at myself on the refelction of the waterfall i saw first

-i ... i look younger- i admired touching my face not beleiving it

-yes you do- he chuckled- one direction suits you great- he chuckled and i laughed with him

-we have to go to a meeting- he said sarcasm on his voice i smiled nodding, while we walked throw the town i admired every single face around me with the hope of finding her, but every single face was unknown for me. In the other side i was relieved when i didnt found her, i was scared that she might had found a guy or angel or whatever and had forgot about me, and for the look on everyones faces i was sure i wasnt the best here.

-welcome son- a man said to me i smiled

-thank you- he nodded

-she's on the amphetheatre- he grinned

-who?- i asked

-claire of course- i nodded and gulped

-should i go and see her?- i asked confused they both laughed

-of course you should she has been waitting for you for 37 years my son, dont make her wait anymore- i looked up surprised

-really?? she has been waitting for me???- i smiled

-sure she has, she had been trying to brake rules just to keep you safe but i didnt let her- he shuggred

-go on, find her- i smiled

-thank you- he nodded and dessapeared

-on the yellow garden, at the right the first building with letter A on the door - greg said

-what?- i asked confused

-just follow those instructions you'll find the way- and with that i was alone, i turned and found a street that seemed like some kind of market, i walked for some minutes until in front of me there was a yellow tree, it was a park, all the flowers there were the same colour of the tree, there were also some benches and games for kids, everything yellow i chuckled to myself and turned right as Greg had said. some meters more and i was in front of the A door i wasnt sure if i should knock or just come in but just when i was about to knock a guy came out with two girls

-oh sorry dude- he said

-no problem- i nodded he left the door open for me and i entered while the 3 walked down the street like if i had never crossed paths with them. i entered to the place, it was like one of those circle thethres of the greeks or romans or whatever they were im not good with history, and when i walked down the first steps i noticed a girl on the center, she was with her back at me, and was talking to herself, i ran to her and when i was just some meters away i whispered

-claire- she turned to look at me eyes wide open

-Niall!- she screamed half shocked half excited and i couldnt care less if she had an angel as boyfriend, i ran to her, as fast as i could, wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her perfect pink lips.


i cant even write a authors note, that green thick at the side is making me too emnotional. All what i have to say is thank you, i hope you enjoyed the story and hopefully i'll see you around my other stories.

sequel will be called Angels and you can already find it at my profile

i love you all

the author


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