chapter 5

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I was in a tunnel, the light was in front of me once again, and i saw the shadow far away, I didn't doubt it; i ran, ran as fast as i could, when i arrived the arms of my father were waiting for me.

I hugged him as tight as i could, he smiled at me, and gave a soft kiss on the top of my head

-hello my dear

-hi daddy- i felt like 5 years old with him so close to me

-come here,follow me

-where are we going?- I asked interested

-do you think this is the paradise?- i looked around me there was nothig there, that was absolutly not my concept of heaven

-well ...- i started he laughed at me

-come i want to introduce you to someone


-who you think?

- are you being serious?- he made a huge smile

-yes i am- he took my hand and pull me to the bright light, we walked for some minutes, but i really can't say for how much, the time was something i didn't have the perception of. After a moment we were in the middle of a town, if you have ever watched the movie of Hercules and remember how was the Olympus you can have an idea of how it was, it was an impressive place, everyone was happy, celebrating, there were castles and angels flying everywhere; we entered into a big room were there was exactly.... anyone , i was confused but it was a beautiful place, it was decorated with gold furniture, golden floor and everything was shining like the sun.

Suddenly a men appered in front of me, i'm not gonna lie he was very attractive, but he was much older than me that it was awkward thinking he was gorgeous.... he talked to us with a sweet and precious voice

-hello Claire, thanks for bringing her son- my father made a sign of respect with the head and leaved me alone with him- sit please Claire- a chair appeared at my back and i sat

- Claire, your father told me you didnt finished what you wanted to do in your life- i tought about it, i didn't thanked to the guys personally but if my mum gave them my box they at least could know i have been in love with them since the begining.

-i just wanted to...

- i know... One Direction, those guys have saved so many souls, but with you is different you don't need them anymore now, they need from you

-how could they need me if they didnt even knew me?

-come with me- i followed him to a little garden in the back, there was a lake and he sat in his end i sat next to him, for an odd reason i felt comfortable around him and i was happy at this place i didnt felt weak anymore- i'm going to show you what it happened at the earth since you left

He put his finger into the water and it turned solid, as ice, or i should say like a mirror, and i coud see in it a scene, it wasn't at the hospital as i tought it was going to be, instead of that it was my home, my room, my mom was there and she wasn't alone 5 lads were with her and i couldn't beleive what my eyes were watching.


Hi! i hope you liked this chapter maybe is not that long but at least im uploading faster, if you are liking it please comment or vote and tell your friends about it

Lots of love!! Xxxx

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