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The water was coming down in heavy droplets. They had only gotten back onto the road after being in a village for sometime , getting rest and restocking on resources. The sky had been perfectly clear only a few hours before and it started to get darker and darker as they neared closer to their destination. As the chilling water started to slowly drop down, they decided that they wouldn't make it in time and hoped they could find shelter before it became any harsher.

The closest place Sasuke could find was a nearby cave it wasn't deep but it was good enough. They were already drenched by the time they made it to the entrance and they're shivering only grew. The naturally hollowed out cave gave Sakura an eerie vibe.

She never liked camping out in enclosed spaces, even though there was a wide opening, she still did not like it.

Sakura always enjoyed the open spaces that Kakashi Sensei would find her team, it always had the best view of the stars, close to a river bank, and tons of open airy space. Though as time went on, she had forgotten about those sweet, innocent times, and was now making new memories with her beloved husband.

They had only gotten married a few weeks prior, a little ways out of the village, and with only Naruto and Kakashi as spectators. Sasuke was never one for big crowds, and Sakura didn't complain, she actually did not mind having such a small gathering. It made the atmosphere more intimate and cozy. Surrounded by the ones she loved and cherished most. The pinkette thought of the slow dance she had forced him to do with her after the "ceremony", turns out Sasuke never learned how to dance, and repeatedly stepped on her toes.

As she was reminiscing on those fond memories, a stern hand grasped her tiny shoulder. Sakura did not need to look to know it was her husband, he stood there, staring down at her. Their bodies still trying to dry off after the down pour they went through.His pointed black eyes trying to read her mind, but was having trouble pinpointing her current feelings.

"Is everything alright?" Sasuke's voice was soft, not the usual steady and almost harsh tone he usually uses. Sakura gave a quick nod, signaling nothing was wrong and shined a huge smile at her husband.

"I'm great!"  Sakura was not lying. She loved the rain, and she enjoyed the extra time she would get with Sasuke before having to travel again. These were the times that made trudging through a bunch of forests worth it.

Sasuke only stood there, smiling softly at his wife, staring at sea foam green eyes and pink locks. His lone hand retreated back to his side, only to travel to her cheek, bringing her face closer to his.

He laid a quick chaste kiss on her lips, and slowly pulled back.

"Mmm. What was that for?" Sakura said in a teasing  voice. Although many assumed that Sasuke Uchiha was an ice cube of a man, which isn't half wrong, he was actually very romantic and sweet when he wanted to be. Though, only Sakura would be able to see this side of him.

"Just felt like it." Sakura sweetly smiled at the statement, as she leaned in to give him her own quick kiss. Sasuke's eyes widened in shock, not really used to Sakura initiating any intimacy between them. Though, he did not mind it one bit. His ears red, he swiftly turned away and works over to the campfire that was farther away from the opening of the cave.

Leaving Sakura to reminisce by the entrance of their temporary shelter, as rain poured down around them.

Hey! How is everyone doing? I'm doing fantastic! Anyways I forgot that I had started writing another chapter.... So here it is, it's nothing big, but it's just something I whipped up lol. I will be writing more once school is over or at least testing, so wish me luck :) Anyways, hope everyone is safe and healthy!

Hope You Enjoyed! <3

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