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Sakura had a long day at work. The hospital was bombarded with patients that had contracted the flu. Luckily, Sakura did not catch the flu while treating the infected, but it surely made her exhausted afterwards.

After walking for 10 minutes to get to her apartment, which she shared with a certain someone, Sakura unlocked the door and turned on the closest lamp. Not wanting to wake up the man that she loved dearly, she tries to walk without making noise.

Sakura softly kicked off her sandals and placed her coat on the back of a chair.

She quietly traveled to the kitchen and got a glass of water. During the day she only had a few minutes between patients. Meaning, not much time to drink water or eat food.

Sakura chugged the glass of chilled water and placed the empty cup into the sink. She made her way through the hallway, only stubbing her toe on one furniture item.

Sakura covered her mouth from screaming out of agony from her toe being jammed into a corner of a piece of wood.

Rubbing her toe in circular motions she frowned, noticing how red it was getting.

"That's going to bruise." She groaned out of frustration and tiredness. All she wanted was to lay on their bed and let sleep take over.

Finally reaching her destination of the bedroom, she grabbed pajamas from the refurbished wooden drawers and went to the bathroom to change.

The pink haired woman turned towards the queen sized bed, and saw Sasuke, sleeping peacefully under the covers. No signs of being uncomfortable or restlessness.

Sasuke looked like an innocent child. His facial features weren't  scrunched up in a scowl, nor was his eyes blazing with anger.

She turned away from the sleeping man and headed to the bathroom the freshen up.

Sakura looked closely into the mirror after wiping her face with a wet warm towel. The bags under her eyes were growing and would be hard to cover up the next day.

She touched her reddish and puffy cheeks, all signs of someone who was non stop working.

Sakura yawned while taking off her shirt, throwing it into the hamper that stood next to the counter.

A few scars still laid on her stomach and arms from previous battles she had fought. All of them reminding her of the violence that once ruled over the world.

Everyone was always hungry for power and strength, and they would do anything for it.

Though that was a few years ago, and this village and every other one is better than ever.

After putting on one of Sasuke's old black t-shirts and shorts, she headed back to the bedroom.

Tired from today's work, she flopped down onto the left side of the bed and shimmied her way under the covers. Instinctively, Sasuke grabbed her waist and pulled her closer.

Sakura instantly took a deep breath in, taking in his natural scent. It smelt like fire wood and oddly enough, tomatoes.

"I thought you were asleep." She muttered from his chest. She could feel his eyes on her own. Sasuke was always a light sleeper so she wasn't surprised.

"Hn. How was work?" His voice was rough, yet still enticing. Sasuke loosened his grip on her and slowly blinked his eyes open.

"It was alright." 

Green eyes clashed with black, it was very hard to see Sasuke's face but, she could make up a vague outline of his facial features from the moon, shining through the window. 

"You?" Sakura brushed his messy bangs out of his field of vision, revealing his Rinnegan.

"Like usual. The dobe was extra annoying today."

Sakura let out a small giggle from the remark Sasuke made. There wasn't a day in their lives where Naruto wasn't annoying to one of two.

Though Sakura could not see it, Sasuke had a small grin on his face. He could listen to her laugh on replay for hours at a time without getting bored.

Sasuke leaned towards the pink haired girl and placed a small kiss on her forehead.

Letting out a sigh of contentment, she leaned towards his comforting warmth, and was enveloped by his strong arms, wrapping around her waist.

Sakura slithered her arms around his middle and grabbed onto the back of his T-shirt. Her head made its way in the crook of Sasukes neck and, her legs entangled with his.

This is what she always looked forward to when coming home from work. Having Sasuke here to comfort her and snuggle her, made Sakura fall in love with this man even more.

The moon was now shining on the two figures that intertwined together. Warmth filled Sakura's body and her heart. Sakura knew she would never get bored of Sasuke's love and kindness.

"Goodnight, darling."


Hey! How are you guys doing? 2020 has been a fricken mess so far. Hopefully everyone is staying safe and healthy! Speaking of which, I wanted to shed light on BLM! If you haven't heard of it, which would be shocking, it means Black lives Matter. For the longest time people of color have not been given the justice or respect  that they deserve, but it ends here. Feel free to donate or use your social media to spread the BLM movement. Finally, it's Pride month ladies and gentleman! I may not be apart of the LGBT community but I sure as hell support it. Again, please feel free to donate the LGBT community!  We are here to spread positivity around the world, and I would appreciate if you could help support these causes. Anyways, hope you enjoyed! <3

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