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(Sasuke Centric One shot)

The colors of the sky were swept away by the dark, rumbling clouds. (I started the Rumbling... lmao if you don't get the reference just continue on) The sky dripped its tears down onto the citizens of Konoha.
When Sasuke was younger he used to hate the rain, but now, it's the only thing that brought him comfort.

Knowing that people would be avoiding the streets, Sasuke went walking along the barren roads. Not really searching for anything in particular, but he still kept on walking.

He was drenched by the water, his hair soaking wet, and his clothes the exact same. Puddles were beginning to form, as the rain poured harder.

Sasuke kept his onyx eyes on the ground, watching as his shoes made contact with the muddy road.

As the minutes passed, he began remembering memories from when he was young.

When his family was still alive and happy.

When Sasuke was just a young child, he was always afraid of the rain droplets and the thundering clouds that rampaged in the sky. He never liked how dark it grew when it was raining.

The Uchiha would get very gloomy because he wouldn't be able to train with his inspirational older brother, or be able to go and get groceries with his beautiful mother.

Sasuke truly aspired to be like his older brother he wanted to be just as strong, if not stronger. However, that was not the case anymore.

He wanted nothing to do with his brother. Itachi was the reason why he didn't have a loving family anymore. He was the reason why he started liking the somber rainy weather.

Sasuke was too busy raging about his brother in his mind , that he had not yet realized that the rain had finally come to a stop.

He came to a complete stop and stared up at the sky, the sun starting to reveal itself to everyone once again. Taking his fist out of his pocket, he kicked a pebble that laid in front of his foot. The pebble landed in a puddle about 10 feet in front of him.

As he started coming back to his senses, he looked at his surroundings.

They were all mainly house, but one house in particular looked oddly familiar.

Right. It was Sakura's house. He had never been in it before, but when they would all walk home after a long day of training, they would both go in the same direction.

And with out fail, every single day, when Sakura made it to her house she would say,

'Would you like to come over for dinner?'

And he would always respond back with,

'I'll pass'

It kinda became routine for the two, Sakura would invite him over for food with her family, knowing that he would always say no.

Besides, Sasuke felt like he would be intruding their time as a family.

As much as Sasuke would deny it, he truly envied Sakura when it came to people caring for her.

Sasuke always dreamed to have his stolen family back with him, but the more he thought about it, the  more dejected he would become.

He wanted what Sakura had, a family, people he could care for, people who could love him.

Nevertheless, he knew that what he wanted was something he could never obtain

As he stared at the home for a few more minutes, his eyes traveling from the front door to the balcony on the second floor.

On countless occasions, Sasuke would see Sakura sitting up there, either reading a book or watering the plants that were balanced on the ledge.

Her pink hair, blowing with the light wind, a small smile tugging at her lips when she turned a page.

The girl's sea foam eyes full of wonder and enthusiasm. He always wondered what she was thinking, always questioning why she was so optimistic about life.

Because even with the terrors of the world, and the dreary life that awaited them, she still looked on the bright side. Always looking for the positive in everything around her.

Always looking for happiness.

Retracting his eyes away from her house, Sasuke decided it would be best for him to head back home.

As he walked back along the path, he took one last glimpse of Sakura's house, looking back at the happiness that the home emitted.

Even though he couldn't have the positivity she had, or her happy family, he would always make sure that she did. Sasuke would make sure that she had someone there to love and care for her. Someone there to make her smile and laugh.

And that was more than enough for him.

Hey! How y'all doing? Good? That's great! Lmao I can't believe we are kinda close to 1k reads.... HOW?!?! Thats literarily insane. Anyways, thank you so much :) I really appreciate each and everyone of you! For taking the time out of your days to read my writing.

A thing I want to bring up is, I don't have many ideas left in my brain, I have a few, but I would love to hear your guys suggestions! I'm open for ideas like AU's or Canon verse :)
No rush tho! Again, this is not edited and.......

Hope you enjoyed! <3

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