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The sun beamed down into Sakura's bedroom. Her pink hair was sprawled out, and her face half hidden by her pillow.

Sakura's mouth was slightly open, letting her breath easily.

After about an hour of the sun being in the sky, Sakura had finally awoken and was ready to begin her day.

The girl shuffled her way across the hall and into the tiny bathroom. After completing her morning routine, she got dressed and went to her kitchen.

Sakura's parents had already gone to work, and had left about an hour Sakura had even gotten up.

As the pink haired girl poured herself a small portion of cereal, she grabbed the newspaper that laid in the counter and flipped through it. One hand holding a spoon, the other holding a piece of the newspaper, she quickly finished her breakfast and headed down to the training grounds.

The pink haired kunoichi, arrived at the cleared at grounds, she realized she was the first one there.

In light of being the first one there, she placed herself down under a tree, and grabbed a kunai and twirled it in her hand.

She looked at the scenery around her. It was the same as when she last saw it, but it was nice to observe the tall trees, and the flowers that were blooming at the trunks.

Sakura blocked the sun out of her eyes with her other hand, she's was starting to get impatient.

Where the hell was her teammates?

Sakura knew Kakashi was usually late, and Naruto too. But Sasuke? Sasuke was punctual, and very strict with himself. The Uchiha was always early, and never dared to be late.

To much pride behind his name for him to do something so... foolish.

Sakura wish he would let loose once in a while, not for her sake but for his own. She could see it killing him on the inside.

The pinkette even started to notice bruises and cuts appear on his pale skin that weren't there the day before.

He must be training even though we all should be resting.

Sakura huffed at the thought of the boy not getting enough nutrients, or a good nights sleep.

The young girl had gotten so caught up in her mind that she didn't even notice the raven approach the training grounds.

He wore his usual frown and had his fists balled up in his pockets. New cuts had appeared on his legs and arms, but he tried to make them appear less noticeable.

As Sasuke approached the grounds he notice the kunoichi staring off into space.

She's going to get herself killed if she doesn't stay on her guard.

He rolled his eyes and decided to walk up the girl. His footsteps as light as a feather.

Sakura's mind was still wandering, her eyes still staring into her lap.

When the Uchiha finally reached the girl, she still hadn't notice the sudden appearance of the boy. He decided to do something that may end up ruining his pride, but only time would tell.

He walked the short distance that was between them and kneeled down next to Sakura on her left. Sakura, still not noticing his presence, continued to stare at her hands folded neatly in her lap.

Sasuke inhaled deeply, and lightly held that side of her chin, making her turn towards him.

Sakura's eyes seemed dull, but quickly brightened when she noticed the boy in front of her.

The pinkettes excitement slowly turned into embarrassment when she realized that the proximity between the two was small.

"Hello.. Sasuke-kun."

With his own cheeks turning a pale shade of pink , he quickly released his hold on her chin. Then, he stood up and looked away to only to look up at the sun shining down on them.

Though, Sasuke soon swallowed his own embarrassment before speaking in a soft tone.

"The sun sure is bright today, huh?"

HI!HOW ARE U GUYS DOING? i'm doing great lmao.... anyways erm this low key or high key sucks. ik i haven't updated in like a month and when i finally do it's horrible. Sorry!! I've been extremely busy with school and my non existent social life.So it's hard to add writing one shots to my daily activities. Also my lack of creativity and ideas may play a role in my very low amount of "good" content. Lastly, HOLY SHIZ GUYS!! OVER 3k reads?!!? BRO! U GUYS R AMAZING! I LUV YOU ALL!! And as always these aren't edited, tho i'm planning on going back and editing all of them at a later date. Anyways...

Hope you enjoyed <3

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