Best Birthday Ever

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Sakura laid on top of her made bed, staring at the plain ceiling and thinking about memories from when she was younger. She turned her head towards 
the clock on her bedside table. 1:15 pm. She had wasted her entire day, just laying in her bed reminiscing on her childhood.

The time has arose, for the only female in Team 7 to have her 13th birthday. Thirteen was a big milestone for a person, but for Sakura, birthdays didn't mean much to her.

Sakura sluggishly rolled herself off her bed and dragged herself towards her desk. Attempting wipe the laziness out of her eyes, and letting out a small sigh.

She didn't have many friends growing up, and was never one to want unnecessary items. Sakura wasn't a minimalist, and that can be shown through her large collection of books, but she definitely did not like clutter.

Based off appearance alone, one may think that she was into clothes, makeup, and other stereotypical girly stuff. Meaning, a lot of random gadgets and items cluttered around her room. But no, she wasn't into to all that. Ino may have gotten her a few things here and there, but she never really used them.

Besides, receiving presents was not even the real issue. The problem was that she wasn't a big partygoer. The last time she had been to the party, she sat in a corner with the cone hat crooked on her head, and a peice of half eaten chocolate cake on a the paper plate she was holding. She watched all the other guests enjoy themselves, and watched as the birthday girl mingled with the others, while she looked like a total reject that no one would ever hang out with.

Sakura also didn't enjoy the fact that she was growing older, and one day she wouldn't make it to her next birthday. It was depressing, but it was the truth, and she didn't like it.

Ever since then, she vowed never to have a birthday party with people other than her parents. Sakura sucked at small talk, and her dancing skills were less that par.

The pink kunoichi eyed the calendar that hung above her desk. Her eyes scanned for the date of her birth, March 28th. Thanks to her mother, it was circled with a big red marker, almost like a warning sign of the disaster it was going to be.

Sakura's face morphed into a frown when she realized that it was only 2 days away, and that she would have to deal with all the congratulations when she left her house. Or the awful, but appreciated, gifts her parents would give her.

Sakura pushed her back side deep into the back of the chair, her arms slumping to both of her sides.

Her face contorted until the appearance of hatred was apparent. Sakura let her head lean back and she closed her bright green eyes.

She let herself take her time inhaling and exhaling, while her mind and body relaxed. Only or be ruined, by an obnoxious knock on her sliding glass window.

Sakura rolled her eyes, knowing who it was without even having to turn around. She knew her curtains were closed, so she could get away with not answering the dumb blonde.

But her conscious decided against it. With all the energy she could muster, she pushed herself out of her chair that her father made a few years back, and walked towards the hidden glass.

She assumed he had come to annoy her about how Sasuke-kun was being a 'Teme' or how he wanted to go out for ramen with her.

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