Love is the Best Medicine

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"You really didn't have to do this Sasuke-kun."

The raven glanced over at the pinkette, who's face was peeking out from the abundant blankets that were layered on top of her. 

Sakura had gotten a cold after running through the village without a coat on. The green eyed medic, had woken up late, and attempted to race to the hospital to make it in time for her shift. And thanks to her forgetfulness, she had forgotten that it had snowed the night before. Meaning, she had ran out of her house, into the blistering cold,without any extra fabric on her body.

The kunoichi was now facing the consequences of running in below freezing air.

Her reddened nose scrunched up as she smelled the familiar scent of cold medicine. Sakura sent a glare towards Sasuke in attempt to save herself from the awful taste that will soon be stuck in her mouth.

He only sighed, as he poured the suggested amount into the small cup, and tried to hand it to her. Her sea foam green eyes only stared at the unwanted serum. Sakura refused to take her hands out from under the covers, signaling that she didn't want to take it from his hand.

Sakura was being stubborn.

"I saw a study, that says cold medicine doesn't do anything to stop the sickness. It only distracts the consumer with its awful flavor, so that they don't focus on the fact that they are sick."

Sakura herself, knew that this was her spitting bull shit, but there was no way she was going to drink that distasteful liquid.

The pinkette stared the Uchiha down with her fierce eyes, pleading to him that she would do anything else. But the raven would not back down, he was going to make her drink the medicine until it was all gone.

Sasuke reached under the covers for his whiny girlfriends hand, and had to pull it out with force.

"You're being childish, Sakura."

The raven placed the cup into her grasp, and guided her hand up towards her mouth. Sakura let out a deep sigh, and pouted.

"But I don't wanna."

The raven only returned her sigh, and stared at the scowling girl. Had she always been this stubborn?
Actually that was even a question, of course she has always been this stubborn.

Sasuke replayed all of the memories of Sakura not complying, and continuing to grab onto him like her life depended on it. Or the times Sakura wouldn't let him go all out, because he had just recovered or been injured during a mission. Even though he hated being babied, and people not listening to him. Sasuke will always be thankful for Sakura and her stubbornness.

Sasuke was taken away from his thoughts by the sudden grunt of the female that laid comfortably on their couch.

The raven turned to look at the pinkette, seeing a very empty cup, with no liquid medicine inside of it.

"Did you really drink it all?" Sasuke squinted his eyes and raised his brow. Not believing that his girlfriend had the guts to down something that even him thought, tasted terrible.

"Yep! Bleh~" Sakura's green eyes went droopy as she stuck out a portion of her tongue, making it seem like she drank it.

But Sasuke wasn't buying it. The shinobi knew when Sakura lied to him, and this time was no different.

Besides, her tongue didn't even turn red from the dye in the medicine. And her overdramatic self would have made puking noises after she had chugged it, and begin begging for water to wash it all down. 

Instead, she had gently placed down the empty cup, and continued to open up a book that she had  grabbed from the side table.

Her silky pink locks, covered her eyes as she looked down at the page she was reading. Hiding the fact that she had lied. But the real question was....

Where the hell is the medicine?

It only took a few seconds of scanning their surroundings, that he realized she probably dumped it in one of the plants she had been growing.

The pot was only a few feet away from there, and she could have easily reached over and thrown it into the soil. It was a shame, since he knew how long it took her to grow that plant, and the cold medicine would not help its growth process.

This just showed him, how far she was willing to go, to get out of drinking the smelly concoction.

"Did the plant have the sniffles, too?" Sasuke wore a smug grin, his eyebrow lifting while looking at Sakura's, now shocked face.

"I-i-i.." Sakura couldn't get a single cohesive sentence out, let alone a single word.

How did he find out so quickly?! He was so distracted! Was he pretending not notice? I know he is an amazing shinobi and all, but damn, I thought I was being sneaky....

Instead of trying to sputter out words, she just sat quiet, her gaze tearing from his, and staring at the floor in embarrassment.

Sakura's pout grew bigger by the second, waiting for Sasuke to reprimand her like a child.

"Just go ahead and say it." She muttered.

The raven could only widen his smile at his girlfriends childish acts, but also sigh in disbelief that she still can't handle the taste of cold medicine.

"Guess we're going to have to find another form of medicine, huh?"

He took his lone hand, and placed it under Sakura's chin, pushing it till her gaze met his. Her shameful look turned into a confused, and flustered appearance as he slowly leaned in to place a soft kiss on her pink tinted lips.

Sakura let out a soft hum as they separated, and let a small grin plaster her reddened face

"I heard somewhere that, if you show someone how much you deeply care and love them, that your illness will magically go away."

Hey! It's been a while since my last update, i got distracted by other stuff, and school just started back up. How's was everybody's holidays? This is a lil one shot that i had thought of a while back, but just hadn't done anything with it. Updates maybe a little slower since i have exams coming up, and I have a fuller schedule :/. I will also soon be updating the Borusara one shots, if you haven't seen that, go to my profile and check it out ;) I'd appreciate it. Also! I totally forgot but if you have feedback for me, I would love to hear it! (Though, please be respectful!) I feel like i haven't been in my element these past few one shots, so i want to hear your guys opinions. Anyways.....

Hope you enjoyed! <3

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