Coming Home

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The months have been long. They almost didn't feel like months, they felt like years. Sakura waited years for the love of her life to come home, and he did.

But as soon as he came, he left again. But not forever this time.

The pink kunoichi decided to bury herself in work at the hospital, just to keep her mind off the black haired Uchiha. Sasuke. Every day, she would busy herself with the papers that laid on her desk, but would always catch herself staring out the window,
wondering if he would ever com back to Konoha.

Sakura had to believe in his promise that he would come back home, but with every passing day, she got doubtful.

It was an autumn day and the air outside was dry. The pink beauty was stuck in her office, finishing up paper work Lady Tsunade gave her.

Sakura yawned, making her loose focus from the papers that were still not completed.

"I can do these tomorrow."

Her voice was slightly rough from the new uncommon temperatures coming from the open window.  Sakura glanced around her office, noticing the disorganized papers that laid atop of her filing cabinet.

She pushed herself off of her chair, grabbing her bag and coat, then, before heading out of her office, she turned off the light.

Sakura walked down the dimly lit hall and gave a silent goodbye to the receptionists, after all, it was 2am.

She gently opened the door to the outside and was welcomed by a cold breeze.

She crossed her arms, feeling a slight chill run down her spine. Then, she started her adventure back to her house.

It was a silent walk home. Not many people out on the streets at 2 am. The walk home would usually only take Sakura 5 minutes, but she decided to take her time.

Sakura was about half way home, when she felt another chakra signature. It felt so familiar but couldn't quite put her finger on it. Although it was a distance away she could still pick up their movements. And they were going right towards her.

She got into battle stance, ready to take on any enemy that she would face. She tightened her grasp on her own fists and bent her knees. Ready for a fight. But one never came.

Instead, the familiar chakra disappeared and reappeared behind the kunoichi. Without another thought, Sakura twisted her body around and aimed her fist to the unknown persons face.

But the first never reached. It was stopped by a hand that held her fist, almost protectively. The hand was rough, but the action was gentle, graceful even.

Sakura body stiffened when she saw a part of his face    
that was illuminated by the street lamp.


The Uchiha did not respond.

Sakura blinked. Still fazed by the sudden appearance of the raven haired boy. Before Sakura could even say anything else, Sasuke had let go of her fist and instead grabbed her wrist. Leading her towards her own home.

How the hell did he know where she lived?

Sasuke must've had caught onto the suspicion, and said the first words he had spoken to her all night. "Naruto informed me on where your residence was."
She nodded, still getting dragged along by the Uchiha.  Her blood circulation almost getting cut off, but she didn't mind it.

They had finally reached her apartment door and Sasuke let go of her wrist.

Sakura took the dangling keys out of her purse and placed them into the doorknob.

The door unlocked with ease and they made their way into her comfy home.

The air was filled with the sweet scent of strawberries and oranges. It filled the Uchiha's nose and left a stinging scent of sweetness to it. 

They both placed their shoes at the door and headed to the living room the sit down. Sakura sat down and started fidgeting her fingers in her lap. The cleared her throat and said, "What brought you back to Konoha Sasuke-kun?"

He sighed. Sinking more deeply into the cushions.

He looked almost relaxed.

With a slight breath he responded.


Me? Why me?

A shocked appearance covered the pink beauty's face.  Her face turning more pink the hair that barely touched her shoulders.  

"Why me?" She said, fidgeting her fingers more than she already was.

Sasuke almost instantly dismissed her question. He stared at her sea foam green eyes, that sparkled in the moonlight around them.

Ever since they were kids, Sakura always made him feel certain, unexplainable feelings.  She had always comforted him, took care of him, and supported his decisions 100 percent. It reminded him of his family.

His home.

Sasuke had been missing his home. But that feeling was now just a piece of dust blowing in the wind.

Because now, he was finally home. And Sasuke finally found out that his true home would always be with...


;) enjoy this short little one shot. Let me know if you have any recommendations!!
Hope you enjoyed it. <3

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