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It looked atrocious. It looked like someone had chewed it,spit it back up, then placed it on a plate and called it a gourmet meal.

Though these types of meals were now a staple in the Uchiha household, since the women in the home was carrying a child. A child that would change the small clan forever.

Weird cravings and unexpected habits were inevitably going to come, but Sasuke never knew it would be this extreme.

On tonight's menu, it was mashed banana, sliced tomatoes, and as a garnish, chocolate from a plastic squeezy bottle. It wasn't something Sasuke thought was appetizing, and a non pregnant Sakura couldn't  even look at it without gagging.

But Sakura was 7 months pregnant and her mind and taste buds were out of wack. They would only have to endure another 2 months of this, and their meals would soon again be normal.

Easier said than done. These two months had been hell for both of them. Sakura could barely walk without having to stop every 2 minutes. Guessing whether or not she would be sad or happy was a gamble. And don't get me started on her appetite. It changed every day and would always have some exotic portion to it.

So, while Sasuke was fixing her a plate of, whatever the hell she had been craving, Sakura was in the living room, working on papers for the hospital.

Sakura had taken maternity leave about a month and a half ago, but she felt like she wasn't contributing enough for the hospital, so she begged Tsunade to let her bring home some patients files.

After those files had been completed, she asked for more ,but was denied access to them. So, she snuck into her office one early morning and took them.

Initially, this was a good system, until about a week in, Sasuke started to notice a pattern. And followed her one morning all the way to her office, the office she shouldn't be at until she was going into labor.

The male Uchiha reprimanded his pink haired wife and ever since then, has been watching her closely, and tagging along with Sakura on her walks around Konoha.

The files that were now in the pregnant ladies hand were the last ones she was able to snag before she had been caught red handed.

Sakura swiftly flipped through the pages on the final patients file, and quickly wrote down some notes in the margins. She was so engulfed with the pages, that she didn't notice her husband sneak up behind her.

Sasuke gently placed his hand on her shoulder, signaling to her that he was there, which in return, the Sakura jerked her head up at him.

After the initial shock had left her, she gently smiled and stared at the onyx eyes.

Sasuke, giving her a knowing smile softly walked around the couch and sat next to his wife. The, he softly grabbed the file and pen out of Sakura's hands.

"You shouldn't be working Sakura."

Sasuke motioned for Sakura to turn around, so her back was facing him. He put his hand on her should, then started messaging it. Trying to realize the tenseness that her shoulders held.

Sakura always worked herself harder then she should be, but that's just who she was. Sakura was a hard worker that didn't know her limits.

That's why Sasuke was so set on making her do the least amount of work, or better yet, no work.

Sakura closed her green, tired eyes, relishing the touch of Sasuke's hand on her shoulders. She started nodding off with the rhythmic movements of his gentle hand, but before she could complete succumb to sleep, he shook her.

"You need to eat dinner. It's not good for you to skip meals." Sasuke's eyes traveled down to Sakura's swollen stomach. His eyes softening at the idea of having his own little one.

Sakura let out a soft sigh, looking down at her stomach with him, but nodded and pushed her self off the couch.

The male Uchiha then guided the pinkette towards the dining room, placing his hand on the small of her back.

As Sakura traveled back to the dining room table, Sasuke made his way back to the kitchen to get her  odd mixture of foods.

The raven retraced his steps back to the dining room table and placed the meal cravings down in front of Sakura.

Sakura's green eyes stared down at the ungodly meal and made a face of disgust.

Her current cravings had gone away.

"What the hell is this?" Sakura quickly looked a way, closing her eyes and plugging her nose.

Sasuke heavily sighed, a ghostly grin on his face, and grabbed the plate away from Sakura.

"I'll make you something else."

And he started heading back to the kitchen.

"Annoying." The raven whispered underneath his breath, as he scrapped the atrocious meal straight into the garbage can.

HEY! How are you guys doing? i'm doing fine . Just got a D on a math test, but no one is good at math anyways. This one was short and kinda all over the place, kinda, but whatever. Again, not edited!

Hope you enjoyed! <3

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