A Little Tipsy

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The dark navy blue sky had just risen from the depths of the world and laid its eyes upon Konoha. The now cold air navigated through the town, as if on a mission.

The little cries from children wanting to go to bed, bounced off the walls and into the ears of pedestrians walking by.

The night had only just begun and there is still much more to do before inevitable sleep came along and swept you off your feet.

The night would start soon enough...

A certain pink haired Kunoichi was walking out of the main entrance of the hospital building, when she was stopped by the 5th hokage.

"Ah Sakura, there you are." Tsunade out a loud cackle and bumped Sakura's hip with her own.

Tsunade had a rather expensive bottle of sake in one hand and a deck of cards in the other.

"Hello Lady Tsunade." Sakura rested her arms to her sides as  the older women stared at her with a disappointed look on her face.

Sakura was rather beat from her non stop work schedule, and that was shown through the dark circles under her eyes.

"You need to pace yourself Sakura. It's okay to take a few vacation days."

Tsunade crossed her arms and sighed at her former student. She works to damn hard.

"You know what? Let's go drinking!" Tsunades voice was now booming with excitement. She was finally able to take her apprentice on a well deserved night out.

"Uhh.. I think I'll pass. Besides, I'm not much of a drinker."

More like I don't want to deal with a drunk Tsunade again.

"Huh? What do you mean you'll pass? That wasn't an invite! It's an order!"

Tsunade put the backside of her hands on either sides of her waist and arched her back. She let out an enormous laugh while lightly tapping her right foot.

"Oh come on! Loosen up a bit! It'll be fun."

Tsunade linked arms with Sakura and continued to drag her to the nearest bar in town.

Tsunade took her to an outside bar with big lights hanging from posts, and ninja performers were all around the place.

As they approached the bar, you could hear the light hearted laughs of drunk couples dancing the night away.

Those couples reminded Sakura of someone..

The duo swerved their way through the crowd and onto the refurbished stools in front of the bar.

"A round of shots for us." Tsunade said it with such confidence that it kinda worried Sakura. How much was she planning on drinking? 

"Here you go beautiful."

Sakura looked up and saw a young man, maybe a couple years older than her, placing her shot down and winked at her.

"Um thanks."

Sakura hates being flirted with. She never knows how to respond to something so straightforward.

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