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Team 7 had just finished up an average job. It was at a cluster of houses about that resided in The Land of Earth. They needed help with a couple of bandits ransacking a few of their homes and stealing the women's jewelry.

Thankfully, it was taken care of, and the bandits were sent immediately to jail.

The sun was beginning to fade along with the teams energy. Yes, it was an easy job, but it still tired them out. They decided to camp out in the middle of the woods, since they knew it would be to dark to see anything if they headed home. They weren't extremely far away, but they didn't want to risk getting stuck in the dark.

The reds, oranges and pinks all blended into the sky. While the two boys of team 7 set up camp, Sakura and Kakashi started dinner and made a fire.

"Hey Sasuke! Naruto! Dinners ready!" Sakura's cheerfully smiled at the two boys while consistently stirring the pot of food. that hovered over the fire.

"Okay! We're coming!" Naruto yelled back with the same amount of enthusiasm.

The flickering fire lit up their campsite, so they could easily see each others faces. Naruto, of course, had a giddy grin on his face, while Sasuke sported his usual emotionless face.

"Whatcha make?" Naruto looked directly into the pot, almost burning is face off from the steaming stew.

"Hey shoo! Don't get your dirty face in all of our food!!" Sakura's shoved Naruto a few feet away from the pot and went back to filling their bowls up with the stew.

As always, Sasuke silently took a seat on the ground, his legs crossed along with his arms. He never really talked much, but it was odd for him not to pick on Naruto because of his childishness.

Whatever the case was, Sakura was too busy giving her other two teammates their food to notice.

"Hey Sasuke. Do you want a lot or a little?" Sasuke had finally looked up for the first time since finishing the mission.

He blinked a few times, finally acknowledging that Sakura's green eyes were staring right at him.

"A little is fine." He muttered in a uninterested tone, though his stomach was telling him otherwise.

After they had finally finished their meals, Naruto eating five servings, both Sakura and Naruto decided to head to bed.

Sasuke and Kakashi were on opposite ends of their makeshift campsite, and were awkwardly catching each others glances.

"What do you want, you freak?" Sasuke was getting tired of his Sensei staring at him with his eye, and decided to not avoid the tension.

"Why aren't you heading to bed?" Kakashi leaned his head against a tree and stared at the younger male, waiting patiently for a response."

"Not tired." Sasuke lost eye contact with the older ninja, and stared at the blazing fire in front of them.

"That's a bad excuse coming from someone with bags under their eyes." Even though Sasuke couldn't see his mouth, he could easily tell Kakashi was had a sly smile under that stupid mask.

A cuss word slipped its way past Sasuke's lips and out into the open.

"That's none of your business." Sasuke's retort was weak, but he did have a point. It really wasn't any of Kakashi's business.

"Whatever you say kid. Anyways, I'm going to head to bed, and it would be in you best interest of you did so too." With that, Kakashi headed for his own sleeping bag and fell asleep quickly.

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