Highschool AU

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Hey guys! So im new to writing AU's and just writing in general lmao, so if this sucks, blame my lack of experience and my stupidity. K thanks luv u. <3

Hot. Hot was the only word Sakura could use when it came to describing the new kid. Though, she herself would say that hot was an understatement.

As an honor student you would think she would be able to use more sophisticated words, but as she stared at him from across the hall, all she could do was keep her mouth agape.

He was absolutely perfect! He was tall, had sharp jaw line that could cut someone, and had eyes that spoke volumes. Sakura just had to know his name, but before she could even think of doing something so courageous ,she felt a shove from her left.

"Hey! Earth to forehead! Get your head out of your ass!" A flash of a pale hand went whipping by her face, going back and forth.

Her sea foam green eyes blinked a few times before trying to focus in on what was flashing in front of her.

Oh. It was Ino's hand.

Sakura could tell by the newly painted purple acrylics that laid glued on her nail beds.

That girl never knew how to spend her money responsibly.

Getting annoyed by the hand moving in front her, she took her own unpolished nails and swatted the girls hand away.

"Hey! Watch my nails forehead!" The blonde girl screeched while quickly observing her nails.

"What do you want pig? Im trying to get to lunch." Sakura started tapping her foot and pointing to her watch that was wrapped around her wrist.

"More like trying to get into the new boys pants." A smug smile spread across the taller girls face, and Sakura's face turned beet red at the comment.

"Ino!! That's perverted!" Sakura's heart was racing a mile a minute.

"Oh please. We are 16 years old. It's only natural." Ino shrugged her shoulders.

Sakura whined in response full of embarrassment, but in the end gave up trying to deny it. She shook her head in shame and let out a heavy sigh.

A sharp ring of the bell, and there went her lunch time.

"I gotta get to class I'll talk to you later." Sakura mumbled and moved past her friend, heading to her next class. Which was coincidently the same place the new guy was headed.

She sped up her walking pace, making sure that she would enter first and not him. As she walked through the door frame and sat down, Sakura looked over at the boy.

He seemed to look lost and kept staring down at his paper, most likely his schedule for the semester. As he kept on staring down at the sheet, Sakura began to gain confidence in herself.

She abruptly stood from her sitting posistion, catching the eye of the new kid.

"Erm. D-Do you need any help?" Sakura's palms had already began to sweat and she shifted uncomfortably under the boys gaze.

"Hn. Sure." Oh god. His voice was magnificent. One of those voices you'd think you could only hear in those fake romance movies that are too good to be true.

The pink haired girl swallowed harshly and started moving her body towards to boy. He stood a good 6 inches above her, and he smelled amazing.

She glances over at the page he held in his hand.
Sakura's eyes widened in surprise when she realized she had all the same classes as him. He must be an honor student.

Sakura's green sea foam eyes scanned to the top of the page.

Sasuke Uchiha...

It took all of Sakura's power just to not let that name roll off of her tongue. It had been a around a minute and there was still complete silence, classes only started in 5 minutes so there was no one else in there.

She just staring at his name and classes, nervously biting the inside of her lip, trying to think of what she should say.

"Um.Yeah your in this class. It starts in around 5 minutes." Sakura voice was just above a whisper, her way stayed glued on the paper, not wanting to make eye content with him.

"Oh. Okay thanks." The taller boy seemed to peer down at the girl. The girl had unnaturally pink hair, at least he thinks, she had captivating green eyes, her forehead was on the bigger side, but that didn't take away from the beautiful smile she always had on her face.

He had seen her a week ago when he was having a tour of the school before he transferred. She was talking to some blonde girl and a girl with pale purple eyes.

Ever since that day, Sasuke couldn't get the picture of the girls smile out of his head.

"Yes. If you need anymore help just let me know."
The sound of the girls voice shook Sasuke out of his head.

But with that, they went to their respective seats and just sat there.

Sakura pulled out a book that she had in her backpack and started reading the chapter she has last left on.

Every ten seconds, she would shift her eyes to glance at the boy, but all he was doing was sitting there with a odd expression on his face. It wasn't contentment but it wasn't nervousness either, probably something in between.

Sakura went to turn her eyes back to her book but a sound of a grunt stopped her. She lifted her eyebrow slightly in confusion.

"You okay?" Sakura was eyeing him carefully, he was had one and on his thigh and the other in his pocket. Students were now coming in, so maybe that was the problem.

"Do you not do well with larger groups of people?" The pink haired student was trying to figure out why he was acting so weird.

"No it's not that but..." Sasuke swallowed harshly.

"But what?" Sakura was waiting for a response but he just kept his mouth shut. Though after a minute, he turned to her, their green and onyx eyes clashing, and said, "What's your name?"

Sakura's eyes widened in disbelief

He wanted to know her name?

"I-It's Sakura. Sakura Haruno." She tries to shack the shock out of her voice, but it still can put shaky.

"Ah. Good to meet you Sakura." Sasuke answered but than turned away quickly and faced the board in front of them. Not making any eye contact for the rest of period.

Sakura just sat there the entire period, barely even paying attention to the teacher and the lesson.  She kept looking over at him, but all he did was write down notes and nod his head once in a while.

And all she could think about was why  Sasuke Uchiha wanted to know her name!

Guess she'll try to find out next period.

HAHAHAHAH IM FINISHED THANK GOD. It only took me a month in a half, but it's done. It's a bit longer but definitely not my best work lol. I started school and I have 8 classes, so that's why I probably won't be posting chapters as often. Also thank y'all for over 2k reads. Like woah you could read anything else but you decided to read this? That means a lot to me!! Lastly, COVID is still spreading and people are still contracting it so PLEASE wear a mask when you go out in Public and to make sure you wash your hands :) also stay away from large crowds!! And a little side note, this is not edited.. Anyways.....

Hope you enjoyed <3

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