Fears (Sasuke-Centric)

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As a young boy, Sasuke was always afraid of the dark. He wasn't afraid of what may become of him if he went into the dark, but what the dark actually meant.

The dark meant that he could not see what was in front of him, like how he couldn't quite see the man, no, boy, who had voluntarily slaughtered his clan. Though, as the moon shined down on the teen, Sasuke immediately knew whose red eyes those belonged to.

Itachi had always been a kind soul, always one for taking the punishment when Sasuke did something he was not supposed to. Usually only getting a stern talking to, but nothing harsh enough for a rise of concern, or guilt from Sasuke. Though the young Uchiha did get frustrated when he could not take the fall for his own dumb actions, almost as if Itachi only saw him as an annoying younger brother.

Either way Sasuke was still grateful for all his older brother has done for him, but he couldn't quite wrap his emotions around the night of the massacre. The day before and even the morning of, had been so.... normal. Though, I suppose you could stay that there had been unspoken, uncomfortable atmosphere around Itachi and his father. It had started becoming more apparent as Itachi grew older. Sasuke was aware that during teenagers years kids started to grow more stubborn and short tempered, wanting a chance to be independent from their parents. Though, the older brother never seemed to lash out on their mother or father, but only give short, glaring glances at the older man.

Sasuke's father did not say much about the situation, and that only made Sasuke's curiosity grow. Every night at dinner they would not speak to each other, only continued to chew on their food until their plates were empty. Though Sasuke and his mother would always fill the uncomfortable silence with stories about their day. Mostly Sasuke's day, which contained learning new training techniques and the rest of his studies at the academy.

Though all of this silence would be too much for Sasuke to bear on one certain night. The night of the slaughter. It hurt to say the least, the youngest Uchiha couldn't imagine the pain his clan had to endorse by such a wretched human. Who could do something has horrid as this? Sasuke wish he had never asked that question, because soon after he found out who it was. Itachi was the one who was covered in blood, but it wasn't his own. The boy who was once seen as a prodigy of an older brother, was the one who single handedly killed his entire clan. He was no brother, but a murder that had no remorse for his killings. Which is what Sasuke thought as he grew up and grew past his clans massacre.

Sasuke grew stronger and his want to revenge his clan grew with it.The raven haired boy never knew the true implications of the crime that his older brother committed, but he knew that what he did, could never be forgiven by anyone, especially him. So as he trained wiht Orochimaru in his teens, and fought many enemies to prove himself, he started gaining confidence in his ability to kill his once, sweet and gentle older brother.

No matter how stone cold his face was, in the back of his head he always hated the idea of killing someone so close to his heart. Even with the list of kills Itachi had attached to his name. It hurt Sasuke, to kill someone with his own blood. But he had worked too hard, came too far just to back off now. Oh how tempted he was just to run back to the village, his true home, and forget anything had ever happened. How he wanted to reunite with his team and forget any of this wretchedness that had crawled into his head and infested it.  But no matter how many times he laid awake at night, under the glaring bright stars of the night sky, he knew that he could never have what he wanted. It was a sad notion to come to terms with, he was afraid of its implications, but it was a truth he had to face.

And he faced that truth, every time he saw their faces, every time they begged him to come home. It hurt to seem them hurt, but he couldn't turn his back on his one main goal, he couldn't be scared of what could or couldn't happen.

And no matter how many fears he had.
He would fight.
Until he wasn't afraid anymore.

Umm so.. I have not written in like half a year. Whoops. I guess I got busy and kinda just didn't have the want to write. I even deleted the app for a time but I was sitting at home today with nothing to do so I said "Why the hell not?" It's nothing much, something I started like 4 months ago and just never truly finished. And it's also not really Sasusaku but it's something I suppose. I hope everyone is having a good new year, you are safe and healthy and as happy as can be! As always these aren't edited and...
Hope you enjoyed! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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