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"what are we supposed to do Yoongi?"

"i told Taehyung that if he lost his humanity the rest of the human population will be in danger, and that can only happen if Lucifer found him."

the truth is, Taehyung will only lose his humanity if Ariel is gone forever.

why do i so hell bent to stop them being together?

because when Ariel crossed the dimension between human and angels, Taehyung will gain power and she will lost hers and when Taehyung started to gain powers, witches, and many other creatures who had bad history with Luci will try to find him and kill him.

but Taehyung can't be killed, so of course they will aim for someone very dear to him, that someone is no other but Ariel.

and when Taehyung lost his humanity, he will triggered his curse and Lucifer will be there, because He is the devil and he can only be summoned if someone does something terrible and inhumane, and if Lucifer was summoned, he will find out that Taehyung is his and we don't want another evil losing his shit on earth.

for the sake of everyone safety, Taehyung shall never lost his shit.

"the only thing that we can do now is to protect Ariel."

"what about Taehyung?"

"he has gained his powers, whatever danger he will encounter, he will survive, he has an evil blood running through his veins Taerin, have some faith."

"this is all my fault."

"what? no."

"if i weren't born with this ability, i won't meet Luci, maybe i will be just another one of his flings, but i just made my life even more complicated."

"you can't change the past but you can protect the future."


"Ariel, can we talk?"

Yoongi called me as i was cleaning tables,

"yes sajangnim."

he chuckled, "you don't need to call me that anymore, we know each other secrets now."

"for formalities and to prevent more people to know about our kind."

"good point, but starting from now on you don't have to come anymore."

it must be because i made a scene last night, i nearly choke someone because she hit on Taehyung and i just lost it.

"ah, is it because i choke a bitch last night? I'm sorry yoongi-ssi, i should have been more professional.."

his eyes widen in surprised at the language that i chose to use, i never use bad words before but that bitch really do be testing me.

"you did what?"

"i know it's unprofessional and unnecessary, i promise i won't do it again."

"no, no it's not that, I'm just surprised, it's okay i don't really care about that.."

"oh.. really? then why?"

"listen, it's dangerous for you to be seen out door, we never know what sick creatures would do you any harm, just know you are in danger, someone really wants to hurt you and i can't let that happen, Taehyung will lose his shit if you are hurt and we don't want that, do we?"

"what? what danger? is it about the devil? Oh My God, he is already here isn't he?"

"just do as i said."

"but i can protect my self Yoongi, don't worry."

"not in this state, you can't use your power any time you want anymore Ari."

"but i-"

"just go home, lock the doors, never open your door, i have already contact Jin, Jungkook and Jimin to accompany you tonight."

"what about Taehyung?"

"i got his back, he has practice with me tonight."


"stay safe."

did i do exactly as he told me to? of course not.

what i did was that i wait and follow Yoongi.

turns out he was just as confused, he doesn't know where Taehyung is.

me: where r u?

taetae: ⛪

church? what on earth is he doing in a church? this is odd.


Taehyung POV

Ari✨: where r u?

"oh, look your beautiful girlfriend is looking for you.. son.."

he smiles but it wasn't genuine, it was a wicked smile, the man in front of me has been someone that i look up to, for almost 28 years he was a dad for me, but never in my life would have i thought that he would be the one who treat me like this.

"leave her out of this." i said with all of energy i have left, he beat the living out of me with his magic, i thought he wanted a hangout with me, i was wrong.

"well that's too bad."

"why would you do this?"

"because you are an abomination. you are evil! you aren't supposed to be born."

i can feel the hate that he has towards me, towards my kind...

"you raised me for 27 years! how could you said that to someone that you raised for half your life? this is bullshit."

for a second i saw a glimpse of guilt in his eyes, but it was just for a split second.

"finish him."

he said as he left me to his men.


"I'll deal with his lover."


my blood boiled at him, at these people, i can feel how the evil inside me is desperate to be unleashed.

"oh, i will have a lot of fun with her."

that's it.

i unleash the evil inside me, i can feel the darkness starting to dominate me.

"not today." i growled.

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