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Meanwhile at the coven, Ariel has been spending her time with Taerin since that night with Taehyung, she admit seeing people having their own ability or power makes her feel sad.

she misses her powers, her ability as an angel, now she is just a common human with no power and has no idea what to do in her life.

the man she is in love with isn't the same person anymore and she doesn't want to be dependent, she wants to stand on her own feet.

"i know what you are thinking about my dear."

Ariel was startled, she was too busy over thinking her life.


"it's fine my dear, you will eventually find out what you want in your life, take it easy, learn everything you want to learn, it never hurt to know more than less."

"can you teach me magic then?" but before the poor old witch can answer, she had been attacked.

bunch of witches are in rage, they found out about her delivering an evil baby and  that she performed a resurrection spell.

"run ariel, i don't want you to get hurt."

"then run with me Taerin." but Taerin had always been stubborn, she cast a teleport spell right away and just like that Ariel was delivered to an another place.

"you are a disgrace to this coven Taerin! how could you delivered an evil baby? how could you even in love with the devil?! you brought an abomination to our coven and act as if he was one of us!"

the eldest of the coven speak up as she represents the coven.

"how do you know?"

oh poor Taerin, she was clueless of how could the witches knew? someone must have told them everything.

and that someone happened to be me.

"sorry love, i told them everything." i made an appearance, as she widen her eyes.

"but why?"

"why do you think?"

"Luci but i thought, you..."

"what? that i came back to be back with you?" of course she would think that way.

"oh my silly little witch, i was the one who drove Taehee to find out about our beloved son." i smirked as she was about to throw hands.

"oh my God, you are here for your heir..."

"bingo! ugh, i know you have always been my genius little witch, it's just sometimes you can be naive."

"not on my watch!"

"well, as far as I'm concern, my son is an abomination to this land. so it's only fair for me to bring him back to where he belong, and it was to rule hell with me."

"over my dead body Lucifer!"

"ah hahaha, that's fine I'll just kill you right here right now."

and with that i burned her alive.

"stupid witches."

His Guardian Angel | KIM TAEHYUNG FF ✅Where stories live. Discover now