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"no, please don't" the atmosphere was horrifying, it was so intense.

it feels exactly the same as the time when Lucifer sunbaenim decided to go against Father's order, and finally damned to the earth.

"YAH JUNGKOOK-AH, DON'T KILL ME" Taehyung was screaming on top of his lungs, like his life was depend on the screen in front of him, as Jungkook showed him no mercy.

"sorry brother, we are not a team! this is a competition!"

"ah Jungkookie, i can't believe you did this to me, after all the time we been through-"

and right before Taehyung can finish his dramatic speech about how much of a traitor Jungkook was to him, Jin came from the kitchen and scold him.

"now, will you stop being dramatic Taehyung? it's just overwatch." the latter with boxy smile gasped offended in 6738382628292 languages.

"it wasn't just overwatch!" now he actually started to fake his tears and pretended to be hurt, i don't understand him sometimes.

i have watched him for over 25 years and some of his actions makes me really questions my whole purpose in life, observing human life for over 25 years can be a little too much and got me over thinking things that wasn't necessary.

One time i witnessed Jungkook and Taehyung got into a heated argument about an ice cream, i think it was a mint chocolate ice cream, Jungkook thought mint chocolate is delicious and Taehyung thought mint chocolate taste like tooth paste, me being a guardian angel who never had a taste of it before was beyond confused, well maybe now is the time for me to finally decide if mint chocolate ice cream taste like tooth paste or not.

"Tae, can i have a mint chocolate ice cream?" i asked him, his eyes widen in confusion as his whole face just turn into a disgusted facial expressions.

"ugh where do you even heard about mint chocolate ice cream? you just became human 2 days ago, and you are already tasteless?"

i let him talk all he wants, as i was just staring at him the whole time he talk bad about mint chocolate ice cream, "are you done?" i said as i saw him finally stop talking.

"y-yes, i am." he says as he was caught off guard with my voice turning serious all of a sudden and my emotionless face makes him nervous.

"good, now i want to try a mint chocolate ice cream." i said smiling, Jungkook just snorted at Taehyung being an obedient puppy towards me, "i think we can actually be friends, Ariel-ssi." he said and gave me his cute bunny smile afterward, i just smiled at him.

"here is your mint chocolate ice cream." Tae says handing me the ice cream, i took it from his hands and proceed to give the ice cream first bite, the minty sensation was running down my throat, the sweet flavor from the chocolate isn't strong but it's there, it doesn't taste like toothpaste, i actually like it..

"do you like it?" all 4 of them asked me in unison as they watched me enjoy the ice.

"it doesn't taste like tooth paste, i like it." after i gave them the answer that they been waiting for, Jin and Taehyung was disgusted, Jimin frowned at my answer, and there is Jungkook, he jumped around like he just won a lottery, "AHHHHH I KNEW IT, I KNEW FROM THE MOMENT ARIEL STEP FOOT IN MY APARTMENT AND ATTACKED ME, I KNEW SHE HAS GOOD TASTE! SUCK IT BITCHES IT'S A WIN FOR MINT CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM! Y'ALL TASTELESS AND IT SHOWS." and he hugged me, dramatic but since Jungkook is cute I'll let it slide.

"we are besties now!" he says as he pulled me to his warm embrace, his hands was tightly wrap on my back suffocating my wings, "Jungkook let me go-" he refused to let me go as he squeezed me harder, now it's starting to hurt, "Jungkook, i mean it let me breath"
but he won't let go.

"Jeon Jeongguk, let her go this instant." Taehyung says in an even deeper voice and it was enough for Jungkook to finally let go of me.

"God, okay chill, it wasn't like i-"

the moment he let go of me,  i feel an agonizing pain on my back, so i screamed.

"MY BACK HURTS SO BAD.." i screamed as i fell down, it was like someone trying to ripped my bone forcefully from me.

"Ariel, your wings..." Jimin says with a hint of worry in his voice, "AAARGGGGHHHHHHH" i screamed again, i can't speak the pain was too unbearable,  "PLEASE MAKE IT STOP PLEASE, I CAN'T PLEASE..." my crying filled the room as everyone was just staring at me in horror, Taehyung hold me in his arm gently, "Ariel, take a deep breath." his voice was deep and smooth, "ARRGGHHHH" i screamed even louder that mirror and windows in Jungkook apartment starting to break.

"OH MY GOD" that was the only thing that could came out from Jin and Jimin, after they witnessed the horror of my wings fell off from my back and the blood was everywhere and i blacked out.

Taehyung POV

"OH MY GOD" Jin hyung and Jimin face was written with fear and horror, Jungkook was shook to the core, i was worried and angry at the same time.

"i-is she okay?" asked Jungkook, "i don't know Jungkook, does she look like she is enjoying this?" i snapped at him, he frowned at my response, i was harsh at him but i can't help it, i was worried that something could go wrong with Ariel, her wings just fell off, and i couldn't help but to blame Jungkook for what happened.

i took her in my arms and carry her to Jungkook room, put her down slowly, "okay, don't panic, let hyung take care of her wound, okay Tae?" right thanks God Jin hyung is a doctor.

"w-will she be okay hyung?" i asked as i can feel my tears welled up on my eyes, "i don't know Tae, i never handled an angel before, but if she was a human, she has lost a lot of blood, and no human would survive that much of a blood loss, but then again she is an angel, she is stronger than us."

right, she is an angel, she is immortal, she will be okay, please be okay.

His Guardian Angel | KIM TAEHYUNG FF ✅Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora