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I walked down this realm by my self, i look around this realm full of tainted souls, they are here to pay for the sin they used to commit when they are still alive.

"look who we got here" i turn around to find Choi Rena smirking at me.

I scanned her up and down, the attire she is wearing as if she run this place.

"it's not your time to be here yet." she spoke as she walk closer to me.

"my guess is you are here for Kim Taehyung?"

I nodded at her as she smirked.

"sweetie, you have to go through me first if you want to talk to him."

I don't understand what is she doing here, i mean shouldn't she be punished for the shit she pulled back in life?

"that's true, but i died because Kim Taehyung him self sacrificed me to bring you back alive, so when He find out it was Taehyung who sacrificed me, He offered me another chance, to be a guard in this place, any odd creatures to enter this realm when it's not their time yet, shall go through me."

"fine, i just need to talk with him, i want to negotiate with him. i meant no harm."

i told her, she then lead me to a grand castle.

"your time is limited, once this bracelet started to ring, it's your cue to leave this realm or you stuck here forever, in another word, you are dead."

i walked in as i saw him sitting on his throne, horns on display, skin so pale and eyes are black like an ink.

"well well, my dear what brings you here?"

he looks so different, his attitude, the way he speak.

"I'm here to negotiate." i told him as he raised one of his eyebrow at me, looking interested.


"i know that there are 2 sides of you, one who deserved to has his throne, which is you my Lord, and the innocent one."

"my guess is you want me to be separated with your beloved Taetae? and if i do, what benefits will i have?"

"once I'm dead, you can have my soul, my tainted soul, is all yours."

"what makes you think that you are better than him?"

"i was an angel, and now I'm just a human who has sinned, once i woke up I'll become a blood sucker vampire who kill people out of hunger and lust."

"how do i know if you won't run from me?"

"mark me so that i can't run from you."

he then smile at that, "deal, if you break this deal, I'll make sure that every single one of your loved ones die with my own hands. "

he then started to unmerge him self and we finally had a deal.

They are waiting for her to come back, it's been a whole day that she's been gone, Jungkook was restless.

He look at the baby on his arms.

"to be honest i don't know if i can raise you by my self, i never had a baby before, just so you know the only thing you are gonna eat is banana milk and ramen, because those are the only thing I'm capable of making. I'm so sorry you are going to stuck with-"

before he can finish his word, Seokjin called his name.


it was as if God hear his prayer, he kissed the baby forehead.


He immediately go to see Ariel and his hyung, Taehyung slowly open his eyes as for Ariel her eyes still closed.

"why am i here?" Taehyung asked once he open his eyes, realising that he isn't in hell anymore.

"Ariel brought you back, this time you are back as a warlock, the evil part of you stay in hell."

he blinked his eyes as he nodded understanding, he turned to his soulmate waiting for her to open her eyes.

"just wait for a moment, she is transitioning, once she wakes up, feed her this blood bag." Jimin says as everyone nodded except for Taehyung.

"transitioning? to what? why blood? please don't tell me...."

"a vampire, she has my blood running in her system."

and just like that Taehyung was angry at Jimin.



"i thought we are friends Jimin, why did you do this to her?"

"because I'm your friend and i know if she isn't back in a flesh you will lose your god damn mind! just like before, plus your daughter need her parents."

at the mention of his daughter he instantly look for his baby, she was sleeping peacefully in Jungkook's arm.

"i want to hold her." he said as Jungkook give her to him, he is her father after all.

"you look beautiful." he whispered on the baby ears, then proceed to kiss her forehead.

"she is, she is ours after all." he then turned around to the voice that he recognizes and miss so badly.

"Ariel..." he says as she smiles at him.

"I miss you." he pulled her to a hug.

"I'm so thirsty." she then says, Jimin immediately give her the blood bag.

"drink this." he says as she does.

"better?" she nods at him as Taehyung was just staring at her drink that blood dry, certainly not liking the idea of his girl turning into a blood sucking vampire.

"why did you do this?" he asked, well more of demand for explanation.

"because if i were in your place, you would do the same to me, you would do anything to bring me back even if it means you are losing the only thing that keep you as a good person."

she explained to him, he wanted to protest, but he knew she was right.

"yeah you are right, we can't live without each other." he says.

"but how did you manage to negotiate with the other Taehyung?" asked Seokjin, he was so curious so is the rest of the other.

"it doesn't matter how i did it, i have him back, one thing for sure is that there is a price that i had to pay for bringing him back, but that's between me and Him, it's confidential."

They finally are complete, as a family.

even though she had to give her soul to Him, it's fine as long as she is still alive it's still hers, it's only His once she is dead.

and now, she isn't easy to kill, well she is technically immortal, back like how she used to be, only this time she is a killing machine, not a guardian.

She is only a guardian to her man and her baby, for the others she is a nightmare dress in a daydream.


His Guardian Angel | KIM TAEHYUNG FF ✅Where stories live. Discover now