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Being away from Ariel doesn't help me from killing everyone, in fact it got worse, the urge to kill someone is unbearable.

"no please let me live, i won't tell anyone, i won't say a word, i have a wife waiting for me to come home."

the look on his face showed fear, as i hold his life on my hands, that was this satisfaction i felt before i finally crushed his heart with my own hands, i just took his life like it was nothing.

"well, that's too bad."

"Jesus Christ, Taehyung, he was innocent!"

i smirked at that.

"really? how do you know that Jimin?"

he just look at the dead body, with his glossy eyes, "as far as i know, he is innocent, he was just enjoying himself in the party Tae."

"hahahahhahahahahah, ah Jimin-ssi you are always so naive."

"what do you mean?"

"remember that face Jimin-ssi, tomorrow 8am sharp, turn on the television."

with that i left him wondering in the alley by himself.

the reason why i stopped hanging out with Jimin is because i don't want to corrupt him, along with Seokjin hyung and Jungkook. they have the purest soul and i don't want to taint them with the darkness inside me.

the darkness that took my innocent away, i have accept the fact that i live in the dark, it has consumed me, and it's not fun.

never underestimate the allure of darkness, because even the purest hearts are drawn to it.

once you are drawn to the darkness, there is no way out, you stuck in this world, and me being the immortal being that i am that means forever stuck in the darkness that consumed me.

there is no hope, and there is no end for me.

i have the rest of the eternity to feel all the guilt i had from killing these people.

i know being away from Ariel got me insane, i am ruthless without her.

but maybe it is the best for her, she is my light in the dark..

and I'm afraid what if instead of her brighten up my world, i will be the one who corrupt her.

"drinking alone? handsome?"

since I'm at the bar that my father owns, strangely.

i have at least 8 different girls hitting on me since the moment i step my foot in this place.

"do i really look that lonely?"

i asked her, she was just looking at me with a seductive look, she doesn't look bad, she is pretty, but it's obvious she has a very low self-esteem.

"yeah, do you want me to company you?"

i don't know what got into me, but I'd like to prove my point right, so i flirt back at her.

"enlightened me love." i said as i give her a smirk.

"I'm flattered, a very handsome guy like you wants someone like me to accompany him."

see, she needs a validation, she's been criticized her whole life from being the way that she look like, she's always been compared to the other girls.

"why not? i have never seen such a beauty before."

her eyes lit up in an instant, as always they always fall for that word.

'different', 'i have never seen such a beauty before'

it's like they are trying so hard to be different from the other girls and to do so, they bring the others down, how cliché.

from the look of it she is either just got dumped, or she is the side chick and she got her self in trouble.

i look at her eyes, with a little charm, and compulsion.

"tell me your story love."

and for the zillion time, my prediction was right.

"i dated an asshole, i didn't knew i was the side chick, his girl confronted me and  humiliated me in front of a lot of people, she filmed me and put it on the internet, i went viral, people hate me and called me a whore, that i am nothing compare to her."

"my dear that is just dreadful."

i said as i wipe her tears, i don't pity her nor did i pity the main chick, both are stupid enough to trust a man.

"am i really that ugly?"

no, no one is ugly we just live in a judgemental society and our society just don't have enough respect toward women in general.

"no, you are fine. love." i said as she smiles at me, "anyone who gets to date you is one lucky person."

sadly that someone isn't really a fan of my behaviour lately.

"yeah and that person is me, now please sweetheart i want to have some alone time with him."

His Guardian Angel | KIM TAEHYUNG FF ✅Where stories live. Discover now