24 - realistic

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"Wait, hold up. So, you two are dating?" Jung Woo asked Eun Ji while they wait for Jae Suk who is currently showering.

Eun Ji nods. "Yes, oppa."

"Wow. I didn't think that would happen. I thought you don't know him. And now, you took him here IN YOUR HOUSE. and gave him MY. SPARE CLOTHES."

"I didn't think you would still be here even though I told you to go home, oppa."

"I-- Aish..." I think you guys can tell that Jung Woo is very speechless. He runs his hand through his hair frustrated. "No, no. I'm not allowing you to date him. Break up with him."

"What?! But you said--"

"What? What did I said?"

"You said that--" Eun Ji paused and suddenly impersonates Jung Woo by making her voice deeper. "Oh you better introduce him to me or I won't let you two get married."

"Ya! I don't sound like that!"

They both laughed at each other, "But seriously, even though I already know who he is, I still don't want you to be with him."

"Then let me change your mind."

"Aish! Stop talking nonsense, Eun Ji ah. It makes me cringe since you're younger than me."

"Hey, it's not my fault I'm wayyyy younger than you."

Jung Woo just sighs. "I swear if that Jae Suk guy wasn't here, I would definitely kick you so hard."

He sits beside Eun Ji and said, "But seriously, I don't want you to get hurt... He's... H-He's a celebrity. Some people will like you and some people won't."

"Oppa..." Eun Ji holds Jung Woo's hands. "I will not get hurt. Besides, before people can hurt me, I have Jae Suk oppa. And well, you."

Silence filled the room so Jung Woo just laughs. "Ya, it's so cringy!!!" He shouted and then laughed together.

At the same time, Jae Suk comes out of the bathroom in Jung Woo's clothes while drying his hair with the towel.

"Oh oppa." She stood up and approached Jae Suk. "D-Do you need anything, oppa?"

"Ah... Well I do need--" He tried answering but then looked at Jung Woo who was already glaring at him telling him to not say anything else.


They all sat on the dinner table with Jung Woo facing Jae Suk on the other side and Eun Ji sitting beside Jae Suk. Dead silence filled the whole table even though so much of Eun Ji's favorites, which Jung Woo brought, are already set up in front of them.

"Eat up guys." Eun Ji broke the dead silence and tried looking around at the food. "Oppa, you said you like ramyeon, right? Here. Let me get you some." She grabs the bowl of hot ramyeon and gave some to Jae Suk's bowl.

"A-Ah thanks." He shyly talks back since he can feel that Jung Woo is just staring at him which is definitely true.

He looked at Jung Woo staring at him and offers, "A-Ah hyung, you should... E-eat with us... Do you want some ramyeon? Here let me pour--" He tried grabbing the large bowl of ramyeon but Jung Woo cuts him off.



"I don't want that." Jung Woo answered. Eun Ji asked him back, "Ah why? You eat ramyeon every time you visit."

"I. Lost. My. Appetite." Jung Woo answered without even looking anywhere else but Jae Suk.

Dead silence again...

"Aish oppa! Don't stare at him like that! Don't mind him, Jae Suk oppa. Just go on and eat."


He had no choice but to eat in front of the strict brother. He kept offering but Jung Woo kept saying no, he doesn't even leave the table even though he's saying no.

Later, the couple decided to watch the movie "The Notebook" since it started to rain again. Jung Woo was at the bathroom when Eun Ji moves closer to Jae Suk, hugging him on the side.

"I'm so sorry about my brother."

"It's okay. I deserve him hating me."

"No! You don't. I'll talk to him later. Don't mind him for now." She said and hugged him tighter and even hold his hand.

"Oh what are you guys watching? Oh 'The Notebook'? Let me watch with you guys." Jung Woo came out of the bathroom and noticed them cuddling so he quickly spoke up and made an excuse just to sit down on the sofa too.

What's worse is he sat in the middle of the couple making them separate and move away from each other.

"Oppa." Eun Ji madly whispered to Jung Woo.

"What? I wanna watch the movie too."

And that night was destroyed by Jung Woo cutting in between them a lot.


The next day came, Saturday. The Grade 11 president, Bang Yeo Dol came to H Convenience Store to start his part-time job today.

While he was taking out the trash, Choi Jung Rok, Kim Joon Sik, Yoon Na Young, Seo Kang Min walked in the same alleyway where Yeo Dol was.

"Oh look." Na Young grabbed Yeo Dol's attention.

"Hey, you. Come here." Jung Rok commanded Yeo Dol. He tried to quickly go back inside the store but Joon Sik and Kang Min grabbed him first.

They locked his hands tight and gave space for Jung Rok. Jung Rok quickly swings his arm punching Yeo Dol right at his jaw. "You thought you can escape just because of that stupid teacher, huh?" He punched Yeo Dol again making his jaw bleed.

"Where are the cigars you promised us? It's been so long."

"Let me go!" Yeo Dol tried fighting back but the two guys are stronger.

"Wow! Look who got tougher!" Jung Rok shouted and laughed with Na Young.

"Pathetic. He thought he's safe with Ahn Eun Ji!" Na Young said. Jung Rok followed another punch on the stomach.

"Listen, Bang Yeo Dol. We don't actually need the cigarettes anymore. But what we need is revenge." Jung Rok told him and punched him again.

"We were so humiliated after that teacher of yours reported us to the headmaster. We all even got suspended for a week... Now, what we want you to do is..." Jung Rok paused and punched him again.

"Confess to your parents that Ahn Eun Ji does this mean things to you just to make you answer the questions right..."

"W-What?" Yeo Dol got surprised.

"Yes, that's right... And if you ever mention us in this matter, we will get rid of your sick grandma." Jung Rok said and the two let him go making him fall on the ground.

"N-no... Please don't mess... My grandmother. I--" Yeo Dol tried sitting up and held on Na Young begging her.

"Oh my goodness, gross!" She shouted and made Yeo Dol let go. Jung Rok got angry and pushed him hard on the ground again, making Yeo Dol hurt his back.

"That should be more realistic."

[COMPLETED] She Doesn't Know Me -- y.jaesukWhere stories live. Discover now