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(Based on the roleplay characters + some irl personalities)



I feel like he would be the type of man to use passionate yet simple names. He would call you all sorts of cheesy things as well. He strikes me as a person who would use the names 'sweetie pie' and 'cutie' whenever he feels like it. With his roleplay character, oh boy. I think he would call you something horny related- he just seems like that.


With his real persona, I feel like he would call you something extra and extravagant. I think he mentioned that he likes history and greek mythology so maybe he would call you 'Aphrodite'. Aphrodite was the goddess of love, beauty, and passion. His roleplay character, I think he would call you cute things.


Honestly, he seems like a simple man who'd use simple nicknames for his significant other. I think he'd call you 'babe', 'sweetheart', 'my love', and stuff like that. That goes for both his real persona and roleplay.


He strikes me as a guy who'd call his s/o cheesy things like 'beautiful/handsome'. For his roleplay character, he's like the type of guy who'd use a hell load of pet names.


Shouldn't it be obvious what he'd call his significant other? I'd think he'd call his partner Muffin. He'd also call them sweet, wholesome things.


No doubt with his real persona, he'd call you 'darling' or 'flower'. For ghostbur, I think he'd call you 'precious' or something adorably cheesy. For his when he was alive personality (before he gradually became insane), I think he'd call you 'M'lady' (chat noir vibes).


A man who can't decide between e-boy and soft boy. I feel like he'd call you 'baby' or 'babe' depending on his mood. He would also call you sweet, endearing things that boost your self confidence like 'pretty' or something-


He would call you many things, most in Spanish. 'Hermosa', meaning beautiful or pretty. 'Mi amor', which may be the most obvious. 'Mi alma', roughly meaning my soul. 'Cariña' which means darling. Sometimes he'd call you 'dumbass' (in the nicest way possible) or 'idiot'.

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