•+, Dream

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𝗣𝗟𝗢𝗧: Reader, who's dreams ex, visits him in his prison cell. Dream tries to manipulate you but you notice and lose your shit
REQUESTED BY @KiityKittyKatKat


Y/N stood there fiddling with the hem of her shirt as the lava flowed down. The orange, hot liquid poured down very slowly, making the girl very nervous.

She looked around to distract themselves but no avail. All that was there was the blank, gray-purple walls and the warden. Y/N started to get anxious.

What if he kills her? What if something goes wrong?

Many negative thoughts rushed through her head, unable to leave her alone.

Finally, the lava was gone. Only to reveal more lava but this time around a small obsidian box. Inside the box, or in this case, cell, sat a human. A human pyschopath.

She held her breathe.

"Please stand on the platform and walk with it as it moves." The male voice told her as she nodded her head. Stepping onto the platform, the anxiousness got significantly worse.

The platform was stable but she was not.


I inhaled and exhaled shakily. I played around with my fingers as I walked with the platform which was making its way toward the cell.

It came to a stop, meaning that I had to get off of it now and face him. I prepared myself with the few more seconds left.

'He won't hurt you' I told myself repeatedly to convince myself. It worked sort of..

I walked inside the cell, getting the attention of the prisoner it held.

"Y/N..!" He spoke, insanity and derange mixed with his 'soft' tone.

".. Er, Hi." I replied, trying to sound stern to cover up my nervousness. However, that attempt failed.

"Don't be scared, you're safe." He told me to which I scrunched up my face at the pleading face he made.

"I am never safe, especially not with you." I responded. He stood up and walked towards me.

He took both of my hands and cupped them in his. My breathe hitched and a knot tied in my stomach.

"You're always safe. Or have you forgotten who protected you doing the war?" He asked while I tried to get my hands out of his grasp. "Don't bother trying to leave. I'll keep you safe in here with me."

I wanted to call for Sam and opened my mouth but a hand stopped me from doing so. I squirmed around while I yelled at him to let me go.

"Shh, it's okay Y/N." He whispered to me in a.. unsoothing tone.

I kicked him in the stomach which he stumbled back.

"Don't fucking touch me." I spat at him coldly, my anxiety becoming anger.

"N/N.." He mumbled.

"No, shut up. You don't deserve to call me that anymore. You don't deserve me, I know my worth now." I yelled at him. He looked at me with pity eyes.

"Then you should know you are worth nothing." He muttered to me. I balled my hands into fists, my nails digging into my palm.

I slapped him across the face. "I'm not falling for your shit again." I said to him, walking over to him.

"I've learned from my mistakes. I should have never trusted you and I won't trust you again. I should have never believed you and I won't believe you now." I growled as he started to walk backwards.

"I should have never loved you and I won't love you again. I should have never befriended you and I won't befriend you again." I hissed.

He stopped walking when he ran into the wall. I internally smiled at his fear.

"I should have noticed that you used me, I should have noticed I was a pawn. You never loved me but I gave you everything. You never wanted me but I gave you what you wanted." I

"I've learned from you and my mistakes. I learned to never trust someone like you. I learned that.. you deserve all the pain given to you."

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