Eret Stuff (cause im a simp)

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anyway, have some stuff i thought of

yall would've totally had your first fight over who would win custody over ted

she lets you borrow her dresses sometimes and begs for you to go on stream

ugh they're so pretty i cant-

sometimes when you come home, he scares you once you come in through the door

istg this person will KNOW if you're upset, she'll just wait for you to open up about it tho

protective af. especially if you're innocent minded

honestly -- if you get into a fight, he'd be the hype man and the person to drag you out of it

will not hesitate to snap if someone says something rude about you or catcalls you

#1 hype man

you constantly buy him platforms and other things
serious talk though -- WHY DOES HE LOOK SO GOOD IN DRESSES/SKIRTS???


sometimes you two would just stay up and talk about the stupidest shit ever

why does he give me vibes of that person who is late to school and still has straight a's

they're so pretty it's illegal.

on your period? mans got you, lets you wear their heels, dresses what ever you want boo

feeling sad? nah nah, buys you snacks and watches a movie with you. lets you vent to him and offers the best advicr he can with the situation

getting bullied? sibling eret has entered the building
he handles the situation maturely yet immaturely at the same time

you two go to each other for support when you need it

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