•+, No one??

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𝗣𝗟𝗢𝗧: man idk, i just wanted to write this

A happy, small, cheerful girl. She was labeled as the lucky-go-sunshine, the one who made everyone's day better just by her presence alone.

She gave everyone flowers, gifts. She graced them with her happiness.

Her sadness was very little. Much to care for, much to live for. Only twice has she cried, only once has she mourned. Many rumors about her spiraled.

She was the perfect little girl. Friends, a happy life.

However, all of her joy was a facade. A ruse. A lie.

She was not happy. She was not happy with herself.

All her life, she was miserable and she still is. Growing up was diffucult. She had to let go and forget. She did not want to let go nor forget. She wanted to be gleeful, experience life like a normal child in a happy family. She begged, she pleaded, she prayed.

Unfortunately, those prayers were denied. She had to suffer the consequences for something she did not do. She had to pay the price for what her parents had done. She had to feel the pain her parents caused to other people.

And suffering was her teacher.

Nobody knew that she was living in a life of somber. Nobody knew that she was truly living in a world of depressing, unpleasing emotions.

When she was not able to feel happy herself, she decided to give others what she was not able to have.

Happiness was her gift.

She made people blossom with joy, she made people who were once filled with sorrow, a spirited happy person.

Envious she was. Envious that everyone around her, people she did not even know, people that did not care for her, everyone, but her, was able to experience a great euphoria.

She let the foul, discouraging, sadness become her pride. She let the pride become jealousy. She let the jealousy become anger, then, she let the anger become a bliss radiance of joy.

If you were to ask around the country of L'Manburg, they would tell you that she cared. They would say that she was a ball of sunshine. They would say that she was a gift from the gods to make those who were grim become elated.

She gave everyone a sense of euphorical glee. She gave gifts such as flowers and jewlery. She gave what she could not have.

No one bothered to ask why. No one bothered to ask how. No one bothered to ask about her feelings.

They say those who have done greatness, achieved greatness, will be rewarded with a postive karma.

Who was this amazing girl? Who was she to people of her country? Who was she to the gods? Who was she?

That will remain unknown for now, all that was important to her history was that she was a ray of sunshine.

They all forgot about her twin. The pathetic, forgotten twin. The twin of beauty, the twin of balance.


Everyone had forgotten about chaos. Soon, they were gonna come to regret forgetting about chaos.

Soon they would regret believing that the world was all unicorns and rainbows and marshmallows.

Chaos was the sign of revenge for humans. The mistreatment Chaos experienced, the abuse Chaos experienced.

Chaos wanted vengance. And vengance Chaos would receive.

Days later, Chaos' twin had disappared.

Y/N, was her name. Although, she was known to the world, the legends, the myths as Balance. Chaos' twin.

Everyone realized that the world as they know it, would descend into Chaos' control.

Everyone then realized that the world was no longer under the power and influence of Balance.

The people of L'Manburg and L'Manburg itself was now going downhill. Everyone was losing it. Everyone was disappearing, one by one.

Chaos will make everyone regret forgetting about them as she no longer wanted to be the forgotten twin.

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