💥Homemade Soup

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Katsuki entered the classroom, early as usual, to see your empty desk. After you fell asleep yesterday, Kai came and took you home to figure out what was going on. He hadn't expected you to be back in class, but that didn't stop him from wondering if you were okay.

"You were with her yesterday, right?" Kirishima asked from behind him, noticing the direction of his gaze. He too, was worried about your condition. Really the whole class was. What happened was a shock to everyone, including the teachers.

Katsuki looked back at his friend, startled by his sudden presence since he had been too deep in thought. He shifted his gaze from him and shrugged. "Only to take her to the nurse." He responded lowly.

"How was she? Was Recovery Girl able to help?" Midoriya, having overheard, took the opportunity to ask while students began trickling in.

Katsuki clenched his jaw, holding back insults towards the pest. Not successfully either. Just hearing his voice raised his blood pressure.

"Mind your business, you damn nerd! She's fine!" He shouted slumpimg down in his desk.

Mr. Aizawa trudged into class dragging along his mustard yellow sleeping bag. He set it down at his desk and stood at the front of the class. Before he could get a single word in, his students began overwhelming him with questions about yesterday's incident in gym gamma.

"What happened yesterday?"

"(Y/N) isn't here, is she alright?"

"I didn't know she had an explosion quirk too!"

"How can she have so many? It doesn't make any sense."

Your restless classmates began gossiping amongst themselves before Aizawa glared at them with those scary glowing red eyes causing everyone to settle down immediately.

"(Y/N) is fine. She's at home resting. She just had a quirk malfunction. You should be focused on your ultimate moves and making any changes to your costumes. She'll be alright," He answered.

Katsuki wasn't satisfied with this answer however. He wanted to message you to hear it from you instead, but he just couldn't. So instead he tried to focus on school for the time being. As hard as that was.

"Hey, Midoriya, a few of us are gonna go check up on (Y/N) after school. You wanna join?" Kirishima whispered loud enough for Katsuki to hear. He knew he'd want to go as well but he'd say no if he asked him directly.

"Yeah, that sounds great!" Midoriya replied.

"Awesome! We're meeting in the front of the school once class ends so we can go together. I already texted her brother to see if it was alright," the redhead added.

'Since when does he have her brother's number?' Katsuki thought narrowing his eyes in suspicion.

'I guess I'll join them and take her schoolwork to her. Cause I know these idiots won't do it.'


You melted into your bed, wrapped in a blanket cocoon. The shivers have been coming and going. Kai has been treating it as if it was the regular flu. But he knew different. He had been on the phone with someone secretly discussing what had been going on with you. You asked him about it but he said he'd let you know soon enough.

"The expert I've been talking to actually wants to speak with you himself but he doesn't live here. He did say he would be in town soon however," He mentioned.

You just nodded and turned around in bed to continue watching (Favorite Anime) while you waited for your friends to come visit.

You couldn't help but feel excited when Kai told you Kirishima asked if him and a few other classmates could check up on you. Aizawa had also called this morning to ask how you were doing and to let you know that no one was hurt by the incident.

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