💥The Past

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10 Years Ago:

You skipped along the sidewalk making sure you didn't step on any of the cracks that spidered along the cement, lightly tugging on your mother's hand for her to catch up. Once you reached the park you spotted a few wandering butterflies.

"Mommy! Can I go get the butterflies!" You pleaded clasping your hands together.

"Of course, dear. Just stay close. I'll be over by the picnic tables with your brother," She said trying to wave Kai over who was too consumed with his nintendo to pay attention.

You took off before she could even tell you to be careful and began to follow a beautiful blue butterfly. It flew so high and you just wanted a a closer look so climbing on the highest step on the jungle gym, you crossed over onto the edge of the slide. You reached out your hand to try to touch it since it landed on the bar right above the slide.

"Almost got it...Almost got it....AHHHH!"

Suddenly, the slide began to shake violently as the ground started breaking up. It wasn't too extreme but it was enough to frighten everyone there at the park. And unlucky for you, your balance was thrown off and you fell from the slide, landing on your arm.

"AHH! Mommy! Mommy!" You cried out clutching onto your injured arm, squeezing your eyes tight from the pain as you wailed.

"Oh no, sweetheart! It'll be okay. Let's get you to the hospital," She soothed carrying you in her arms. She noticed a piece of white bone poking out from your skin, leaving a trail of blood now soaking her blouse. She kept herself calm so that you wouldn't panic more than you already were.

You bit your tongue to try to conceal your screams from the pain. Forcing yourself to peek your eyes open, you noticed a little boy standing by the nearby tree staring at you with tears streaming down his red cheeks. The look on his face was mixed with shame and terror. He held out his hands as if they were weapons. It distracted you for a second before the pain came back in waves.

A few days later, you were stuck at home fashioning a stylish (F/C) cast on your broken arm and moping around the house. There had been a knock on the door so you jumped out of bed and hid as you usually did to eavesdrop behind the wall leading towards the stairs, eager for any kind of excitement after being bored for days!

"Hello Mrs. Aoki. My son and I came over to apologize for what happened at the park the other day. I recognized you two cause we live right across the street. See, my little Yo just got his quirk and we've been trying to teach him how to control it. He had tripped over a tree stump and activated it by instinct which caused the small earthquake. We made the little miss a batch of freshly made cookies as a get well soon gift," The lady on the other side of the opened door offered sweetly. She gave the familiar little boy with silk black hair a nudge and he looked up at your mom.

"I'm...I'm sorry," He spoke in a faint whisper, fidgeting with his hands.

"No worries, dear. Our (Y/N) is just fine. Just a little bored. You can go up and speak with her if you'd like?" Your mother suggested not aware that you were eavesdropping from the top of the stairs. You scurried back to your room feeling a bit shy. You couldn't help but remember the scared face that little boy had when he saw you.

"Go on, go apologize to her," His mother urged him.

"Come on in. I'll grab us some glasses of milk," Your mother welcomed waving them inside. She was always so kind to everyone. Made friends easily.

You heard small footsteps patter up the stairs, gaining in volume as they reached your door followed by a hesitant knock.

"Come in," You called out.

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