💥Are You There

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When you woke up from the operation, you had been moved. You were in a new environment. Apparently, a few UA kids followed you there and comprised the LOV's position. You felt extremely grateful that nothing happened to your old classmates, and incredibly stupid that you didn't notice them following you.

Running into Kirishima was so bittersweet. You had missed him so much. The pure sunshine he brought into your life had been gone for too long already. But you had to keep it that way. Your mind always wandered, wondering what they'd be learning or what crazy training exercise Aizawa had for you.

You wondered how your brother and sister was doing. Kai must be worried sick, you thought. Stoker was no longer in contact with him so he had no idea you were with him or that you two even met. He couldn't have known Stoker was evil. He'd feel so guilty.

"(Y/N)! It's time for your meal!" Stoker called out pulling you from your thoughts.

He had been giving you blood from an IV to keep your thirst satisfied. He couldn't risk you losing control or getting caught while hunting. It was going well...at first.

Lately, every time you were given the blood you'd black out, lose track of time. Your days were so mixed up, you weren't sure how much time had passed since the day they brought you to this new place. Shigaraki doesn't even let you go out anymore. And as nice, or as nice as he can be, as he was it was a firm rule. You couldn't blame him, you did almost get them caught.

Dabi made sure to burn you for that one too. But you kept that from Shigaraki.

You almost felt like everything that was happening to you, you deserved...

The image of their faces, Kai, Aizawa, Kirishima, no matter how subtle...the fear in their eyes whenever you lost control was engraved in your heart.

And Katsuki...

How could you ever look at him again.

But that didn't stop you from dreaming...

"(Y/N)? Can you hear me?"

He sounded so much closer this time. It started again a couple of nights ago. It started off slow. You could hear small whispers from him. You could smell the crude ash and sweet caramel that he wore. But he was a blur. Every time.

You wanted to see him...if not in real life, then in your dreams.

"I can hear you!" You answered. You were never sure if he could hear you though. Your dreams were so strange. They'd feel as if he was actually in the same room as you.

You were so tired of nightmares. You just wanted one good...

"Where are you?"

You followed the voice through what looked like a familiar mist. It was dark and hard to see. So you just followed.

"I'll find you this time. Keep talking," you called out to your dream. Wishing and hoping you'd be able to see his face this time. You can't hurt him in a dream.


He started sounding more distorted and confused. The last time that happened in your dream he disappeared and you woke up. You didn't want that to happen this time.

"Hey, calm down. Just follow my voice and I'll follow yours."


"Katsuki! I'm over here! Keep listening to me!"

You noticed the fog dispersing a little, shining a bit of light on the blurry figure that seemed so far away.

"It's working! Keep going!"

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