💥Good Kind Of Strange

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About a week passed since the kidnapping. Everyone was back in class, trying to forget the horrible events. No one dared bring it up in front of you and Bakugo. It seemed as if everyone was walking on eggshells around the two of you. And it was very obvious that you were avoiding each other. The two of you were extremely quiet in class since you literally sat in front of him. Kind of hard to avoid that way.

After class Aizawa asked to speak to the two of you alone. You began to feel a bit anxious as you were lead to the principle's office, following behind Bakugo. You kept glancing up at the back of his head. You wanted to talk to him, tell him you want things to go back to normal and for the two of you to be friends.

But you knew there was no more normal between the two of you. Not that there ever was. How could there be with the monster you turned out to be. Every time you were down on yourself, Shigaraki's face would appear in your mind. His saddened, pitiful look he gave you when he saw you struggle. Yes, he had other motives, but in those small moments...

"Please, sit. Don't worry, you're not in trouble. We just feel like we should talk about what happened," Mr. Aizawa said gesturing for the two of you to sit, bringing you out of your dark thoughts.

"There's nothing to talk about," Bakugo grunted. It was as if you had heard his voice for the first time. He had been so silent since that day. You kept your head down, your eye wandering over to his and quickly averting once his red hues met with yours. Oh how intimidating they were.

"We are aware of what happened, Young Bakugo," A deepened voice appeared from behind the two of you.

What the hell? All Might's here too? As if this wasn't humiliating enough!

You cringed in your seat. Balling up your fist and clinging onto your school skirt. Bakugo noticed, of course. He's been noticing your anxious ticks all week.

And it pissed him off.

"Yeah, so what about it," he muttered under his breath, keeping his brows knitted together and his expression hardened.

"We understand it was forced and we know (Y/N) wouldn't have done that otherwise. But since it happened we should talk about what happens next. If you feel unsafe around her, Bakugo, then we can remove her from the school. Our student's safety is our first priority," Principle Nezu explained.

"Huh? You think I'm scared of that idiot?! And isn't she a student too?" He said between gritted teeth.

"She is, but given the...situation, she is here under Mr. Aizawa's recommendation. He, as well as I, believe she could make a great hero. However, the agreement between the staff was that she didn't harm any of the other students. Even though it was out of her control, we are obligated to ask if you would prefer her to exchange schools," All Might stated glancing at you with a softened look. The two of you weren't entirely close, but he had helped you with training before.

"Tch. This is stupid. I don't care where she goes, as long as she stays out of my way," He responded with a huff, crossing his arms and slumping back into his seat.

"(Y/N), do you have anything to say? Would you feel more comfortable transferring?" The principle turned his attention to you.

You sat there a bit stunned by his question.

Would that be better? Should I transfer just for his sake?

But I worked so hard to get here. Aizawa worked so hard to get me here. It's unfair. All of this is unfair.

Why did this have to happen? I don't belong here. I don't belong anywhere. Why can't I get rid of this guilt.

Bakugo sure is acting like it's not a big deal. But I know deep down he resents me for it. He has too. How could he not?

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