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(A/N): So I just realized I never made her a hero costume. I was supposed to add it two chapters ago and I even have it written down. Ugh. Anyways I didn't focus too much on it since I don't know what you guys would see (Y/N) wearing. So just imagine what you want. Not a big part of the story anyways😂 We're not perfect here🤷‍♀️

You shifted your weight from left to right twiddling with your thumbs. You hadn't seen Shindo in months and you hadn't planned to any time soon. But the universe has a sense of humor and now you found yourself standing in front of the very person you were trying to avoid.

"It's nice to see you again," He spoke with an odd expression on his face. Raising his brow as if he knew something you didn't. You knew he was hurt by the fact that you left without a word. But he didn't look hurt at this moment. He seemed okay. Almost pretending as if nothing happened the last day you saw him.

"Uh, yeah. You too. H...how have you been?"

Katsuki noticed the hesitation in your voice and the slight panicked look across your face. Glancing back at the boy he couldn't help but notice that subtle pain rooted in his gaze upon you.

"Me? Well since the last time we spoke I'd say I'm doing great! I'm more curious about how you're doing, however. Any new...changes?" He grinned with a false sense of kindness in his tone, emphasizing on his last word.

You swallowed roughly, your eyes twitching ever so lightly, threatening to change color from the spike in your fear. Your fangs tingled through your gums, ready for anything. Natural instincts.

Why did he say it like that? Does he know something? Stop, (Y/N). You're just being paranoid. 

Last time you spoke to him he wanted to be a hunter. A vampire one to be exact. He probably already knew some things and how to tell if someone was one. You had heard of vampire hunters before. But never encountered one. You did know for a fact though, that their policy is to kill on sight, no exceptions.

Would you be an exception for him?

"Ha...changes? Nah. Same old, same old. You know..." You staggered out clutching the back of your neck. Ew, is that sweat?

He squinted like he was seeing right through you, but he didn't linger. He just smiled brightly. "That's awesome to hear," he said but his eyes sat dark.

"Oh. How rude of me! This must be your new class! UA, huh? I think I know someone else who goes there," He subtly teased knowing full well you knew he meant Monoma. He then shifted his attention from you to a few of your classmates.

As soon as he looked away you rolled your eyes, silently cursing the universe for its sick joke.

Shindo grabbed Midoriya's hands to your surprise. He'd always been a friendly person, charming even. But what's with the enthusiasm?

"I'm Shindo! You guys at UA have been through a lot the past year huh?" He said now shaking the hands of your other classmates. "And your still all working hard to be heroes! That's amazing!" He backed away and gleamed. "Heart of fortitude. Should be every heroes motto!"

You scrunched up your face. He was acting way too nice. It's clear that this was going to be more of a competition than a test and he was trying to fake out your classmates. Not cool, Shindo. Not cool.

He moved on now reaching Bakugo. Which strangely made you nervous. You hadn't realized just how important these two people had become in your life. Because of course Shindo is still important. No matter what happened between the two of you, you'd always have some kind of love for him.

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