💥Damn Nerds

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"I'm looking forward to hearing all your...camp stories," Mina Ashido cried. You had felt a little pity for those who failed the practical exams. They were pretty brutal defeats. 

"Well wait, I'm sure there's a way to go..." Midoriya started trying to assure them.

"Don't jinx it, man!" Kirishima nudged him. You were definitely upset that Kirishima wouldn't join since you two had become so close. But you still had hope. 

"Failing means that we have to go to summer school hell while you guys are at training camp! And we all failed the practical!" Kaminari complained.

"Guys, calm down. Let's just wait to see what Mr. Aizawa says." You said patting Kaminari on the back to comfort him.

The class grew quiet and took their seats when your teacher trudged through the door tiredly. 

"Good morning, class. So about your final exams. We, unfortunately, had some who failed." A few groans could be heard from some classmates.

"But..." Your teacher paused keeping those who failed on the edge of their seats. "You're all going to camp."

The four students who failed all cheered in unison. 

"You all passed the written exams. Those four were the only ones to failed the practical. And Sero since he was passed out during the whole test. We assigned the situations to suit you and your partner so you could come up with winning strategies. Otherwise you wouldn't have stood a chance. I'll be passing back manuals for the training camp." He explained as he gave out the lists. "Those who failed will be taking night classes with me while we're there." 

"The packing list is huge!" Midoriya noted.

"I don't have a bathing suit."

"I need night vision googles."

"This sounds like a trip to the mall!" Mina suggested.

"That sounds like fun! I'm in!" You agreed eagerly. 

"Come on, guys! It'll be fun!" Mina pleaded. 

"I have to visit someone this weekend. Sorry," Todoroki said.

"No way in hell, what a waste of time." Katsuki grumbled stomping his way out of the classroom. You were a little bummed he wouldn't be joining so you thought you'd push a little. 

"Aw Tsuki, you're no fun! Come on! We can go to one of the comic book stores," you suggested with a small pleading pout. 

"Tch. Hard pass, you damn nerd," He refused, not even looking back at you before walking out the door. You thought about walking home with him for a second just to chat...but decided it was better to get to know your other classmates instead. 

And it's not like Katsuki even enjoyed your company, right? 


You all arrived at the Kiyashi Ward shopping mall ready to cross things off your shopping lists. The class all gushing about the upcoming camping trip. Smores, bonfires, games, etc. It's like most of them forgot that they'd actually be training most of the time.

They discussed everything they needed. You were there to find new outdoorsy shoes. You began looking at your phone to search for a style similar to what you were looking for. When you looked back up you noticed everyone had gone their separate ways already.

"Ugh, why am I always in my own little world," you pouted.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Don't worry, they all left me too," Midoriya laughed giving you a small nudge.

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