💥Liar Liar

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The whole time he just stared at the clock. Waiting to burst out of the room the moment class ended.

Everyone had watched you walk in as if nothing happened. It was the quietest the class had ever been. Aizawa had called for a substitute right away and escorted you out to talk with you.

You didn't even look at him when you walked in.

The minute class ended Bakugo ran. Raced to the dorms, assuming you'd be settled there already. Pushing past anyone in his path. He could hear Kirishima and Deku shouting for him to wait up, but he didn't care.

He had to see you.

But once he pushed open your door, your room remained empty.

He slammed his hand on the wall with frustration but didn't let it stop him from finding you. He ran to Aizawa's room and began pounding on the door.

"He's not there."

Bakugo turned around to see Shinso coming up behind him.

"Where is he?" He huffed trying to catch his breath.

"He's with Principal Nezu and All Might. He told me to find you and for us to go join them in Nezu's office." He said turning on his heel not waiting for Bakugo to follow.

But he caught up. And the ball of anxiety that sunk in his stomach began to burn.

"So she's back, huh? Looks like I'll finally get to meet her." Shinso spoke more to himself than to Bakugo as the two of them walked. He really just wanted to break the silence. He could feel Bakugo's nervous energy as it radiated off of him.

"Maybe Aizawa can actually get some sleep now."

Bakugo didn't listen, his mind racing with questions. So unfocused that he almost bumped into Kirishima and Midoriya as they finally caught up to him.

"So? Is she here?"

Bakugo shook his head.

"Aizawa called for us to meet him. I'll tell you about it later."

As they continued to walk in silence, Shinso attempted to break it once again.

"So...what's she like?"

The question hit in his gut. It's been so long since he had been truly with you. And it still felt like yesterday that he first met you.

At the same time, he felt like he knew you a lifetime.

You're funny and kind. Simply beautiful in every way. The way you care for everyone so easily and without judgement.

You're not without your faults. You always put yourself last. Doubting yourself constantly. Putting yourself in dangerous situations. You can be loud and sometimes obnoxious. Overly confident at times. Clumsy and you don't think things through. You put yourself under a lot of stress. And you are always so hard on yourself.

But that's just it. All of your faults are what make you so lovely. So wonderful. You're...


He shook his head, lost in thought. He felt like he was losing focus a lot more lately. You had that effect on him. He hadn't realized that he hadn't answered Shinso's question yet. So focused on everything he lo...liked about you.

"Childish. She's childish."

And his answer hit Shinso's ears like an insult.

But Baukgo meant it in the best way. Because around you is when he smiled the most.

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