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⚠️TW: Mention of Suicide!! If you can not handle suicidal situations, I highly suggest you skip this chapter!!

You were grateful Kirishima had stopped by to help you gather your things. You hadn't spoken with him since you'd gotten back. It was awkward at first, but he never let things stay that way. And you had missed him.

"So, I heard you're kind of famous now?" You mentioned with a nudge.

He let out a soft chuckle. "Oh no. I was just at the right place at the right time."

"Ah, always so modest. I heard you took a bullet!"

He grimaced at the reminder. He hadn't really processed that it happened. Instead he focused on other things. The whole mission was an eye opener for sure. Made him stronger in many ways. He was grateful for it.

"I'm lucky to have the quirk that I have."

The two of you talked about some things that you had missed while you were gone. He helped you unpack and after seeing you look more relaxed around him, he saw an opportunity.

"Hey, so, I know you said you don't remember anything. But, there's something I've been wanting to tell you."

You began to feel anxious. Seeing how he seemed nervous himself. But you nodded for him to continue.

He stopped walking and grabbed ahold of your hands. It felt so sincere and you can tell that whatever was bothering him, had been bothering him for a while.

"I wanted to apologize." He started, closing his eyes to keep himself from becoming emotional. "You've become one of my best friends and...there was moment I had a chance to save you and I failed."

You knew what he was referring to. But you didn't let him save you. Because at the time, you had made the decision to stay with the LOV. It was the only place you felt you couldn't do anyone you loved any harm. But Stoker had proved you wrong. And now you needed saving more than ever.

But there was no one who could help you. Not without you putting them and Shindo in danger. And the other innocent people Stoker has under his control.

His guilt surprisingly irritated you. You felt you didn't deserve such kindness. You grabbed his shoulder without thinking and spoke firmly, "You couldn't have helped me even if you wanted to. You shouldn't have followed me. Don't ever put yourself in danger like that for me again, got it?"

His eyes widened and you knew you let your feelings get the best of you.

"So you do remember."

You let go and shook your head. Knocking over some books as you backed up into your dresser. Your panic was rising as you stumbled to explain.

"What? No. I don't know what you mean. I...I meant just in general."

He sighed and leaned down to pick up your books. His expression one of disappointment and sorrow.

"Bakugo said you were lying. I don't understand. Are you really working with them?"

You became angry, grabbing your stuff from him and setting them down. Clawing your nails into your dresser to keep from breaking.

They were too close to you. Of course you couldn't lie to them. Why did you ever think this could work?

"Maybe you and Bakugo should mind your own business!" You shouted. Turning on your heel to leave.

You turned to see Bakugo walking towards the two of you.

"Of course," you muttered as you pushed past them both and went straight outside to get some air. Needing to be alone.

Crave (Katsuki Bakugo x Vampire Reader)Where stories live. Discover now