💥Obviously Not Human

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You stood in front of the large, intimidating door. You were nervous about this transfer. It had been two years since your transformation. Leaving your friends behind was not an easy thing to do. But there was no way you could stay there. Not after what happened. You hoped that he wasn't hurt too badly. You didn't mean for it to happen. But he kept asking questions and you panicked.

Why would you think you could ever live a normal life after what you've become?

You hesitantly opened the door to see that everyone was already in their seats. Of course you started off the day late to class. You sealed your lips a bit tighter since you were still insecure about your fangs. No one knew what your quirk was. And you weren't sure how they'd react if they found out. Especially since it's not really a quirk. Because you were technically...well....dead.

But you liked to see it as you were just a different kind of alive. One where your heart didn't beat. And your powers were always weakened by your own hunger. You never had your full potential strength since you refused to take blood from a human. Animal blood only gave you half the strength.

Whoa..what's that scent?

"(Y/N), you're late. Let's not make that a habit," the familiar man warned as you entered the classroom with all eyes on you.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Aizawa," you said hanging your head low. He and the principle were the only ones who knew what you were. You were adamant to prove that you were not a monster and that you wanted to use your new found powers to become a hero.

You wanted to defeat the man who did this to you and find a cure for this disease. You heard he'd been doing it to others as well. You just didn't know his name. He was just the man with the scar and long white air that draped over his shoulders like snakes. And that face of his, the look in his eyes as he watched you transform. The memory was enough to shake through your new porcelain skin.

When Aizawa first met you, you had just awaken in your newborn state. He was there when you transformed. Trying to save you until you ran off into the distance. Instead of going after the villain, he went after you. It wasn't long until he found you in physical pain, locking yourself inside your very own basement. Chaining yourself to the wall to keep from succumbing to the new thirst. The newborn phase only lasted a couple of months, and he knew you weren't the monster everyone says about these creatures. He watched you starve yourself because you refused to accept what you were. If it hadn't been for your brother, you'd probably be dead. Actually dead.

He knew you were just an eager kid who wanted to be a hero so he trained you on his spare time, which wasn't as often as he'd prefer, even though you went to a different school. He wanted you to be at UA but you tried to stay with your friends.

But of course that didn't work out. So now, you're here. At UA.

The pro hero had felt guilty for not getting to you in time to stop what that man did to you. Guilt he'd carry for the rest of his life. He had to admit, he felt relieved when you decided to join UA. That way he could keep a better eye on you. But you didn't tell him what changed your mind.

"Class, this is (Y/N) Aoki, our new transfer from Ketsubutsu Academy. She will be joining our class from now on and yes, she will be taking the upcoming final exams since she still studied with a hero course from there," he explained groggily.

You waved brightly at your new classmates, feeling excited, yet nervous at the same time. Flashing an all too eager smile before quickly biting your lips to conceal the fangs.

A very pink girl raised her hand in the air causing Aizawa to lightly roll his eyes.

"Yes, Ashido?"

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