💥Desperate Calls

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The week flew by and it was the day of the final exams. You felt ready. You really wanted to join the class on the camping trip. And now that you had two new friends who knew your secret, you were excited to spend time with them and train your abilities more. Now that no one else was suspicious of you. At least that's what you thought.

After you walked Katsuki home the night you confessed to them, Kirishima helped make a plan where the three of you would study every day until the exams. You and him needed it more than Katsuki of course. You were smart, just not too book smart. It was getting harder to focus as the days went on and your brother's blood was disappearing from your system. That unique scent that your friend acquired becoming stronger as the days pass.

It was weird. Even though you could smell other peoples blood throughout the years, you never craved it as much as you did his. What was different?

But you had about a week left before you had to feed so you had it under control. And if you passed then you could take time at camp to hunt away from the class with Aizawa's permission. It'd be perfect.

Everyone was gathered around the training area for the physical part of the exam. You had confidence that you passed the written part since Bakugo was kind of an intense tutor. Kirishima and you barely survived it!

"Hey, Bloodsucker!" The ash blonde shouted to you as he approached you.

"Tsuki! Can you not call me that in front of the class! I'm trying to lay low, remember!" You whispered franticly.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed your shoulders.

"Well I told you not to call me that! And you better not fail, dumbass! I plan on training with you at camp so I can kick your ass!" He basically shouted causing others to stare at the two of you.

"Ha, I'd like to see you try. Now get off me before I have to use force," You teased a tad irritated by his brass actions. You pushed his arms away and left his presence leaving him to seethe in his own anger.

He wasn't going to be intimidated by you. Not for one second. But he did want to train with you. He saw how strong you were, he saw how fast you were, so he needed to be stronger and faster. He needed to be better.

You began chatting with your classmates when you noticed several teachers showing up. Confused because you had heard the exam was going to have something to do with robots, you began to feel a little nervous.

Maybe they're here to cheer us on? You thought and hoped.

"I'm sure you all thought you were going to be fighting against robots. So of course we had to change things up. Today you will be going against....your teachers," Aizawa announced sinisterly causing everyone's anxiety to spike.

"That's unfair! There's no way we can beat pros!" A few classmates whined in early defeat.

"You and a partner will need to either make it to the finish line or put these handcuffs on the 'villain'. Your teachers will be wearing the weighted bracelets to give you a fair advantage. If you don't make it past the finish line or fail to use the handcuffs, you fail. I'll start drawing names."

You began searching for Katsuki unintentionally to see his reaction. Why did you care? Why did you always find yourself wondering what he was thinking or doing? You also found yourself thinking about how good he looked in his hero costume...


You were brought back from your thoughts when you heard your name. You prayed that it wasn't the hero who's strength was almost equal to yours.

Please, don't be All Might! Please, don't be All Might! Please, don't be All Might!

"(Y/N) and Todoroki. You'll be against...me," He said raising his chin and looking down at us with a devastating, evil grin that sent shivers up your spine.

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