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Estella's POV

What the hell do I do now? I quickly jump off the counter, pulling my dress down my thighs as far as I can. I already know my face hasn't changed, I'm shocked. I'm embarrassed and disgusted with myself.
"E? Are you okay?" Since when the fuck does he call me E? Did he forget my name!?

"Don't remember my name? It's Estella. And it's also not necessary. We won't be seeing each other ever again. Stay the hell away from me." I grit out. I can't believe I let this happen. I mean who am I? The old Stell would never do this. Or be this reckless.

"What? No I didn't forget your damn name. It's Estella Josette. I know your name." How the hell did he know my full name?

"How do you know my middle name?"

"I asked Ruby who you were. She said your full name. Estella Josette Clover." What. The. Shit. He's a stalker. Good job Stell you've outdone yourself this time. Hooking up with an arrogant stalker.
"Would you relax? Princess, I'm not gonna hurt you. It was just a hookup calm down." Just a hook up, gee thanks. Shit. I don't do this, I get attached, I'm sensitive. I don't do friends with benefits or one night stands. That's not me and it never has been.

"Well cool. As long as you agree to stay away from me, and my work, then we can just forget this ever happened" he'll agree right? It's the noble thing to do. Or the noble thing is to not take home a tipsy girl and finger fuck her the first time she's over. Fuck dude. What the hell did I do?

"Where am I supposed to get coffee?" Crap. I forgot he was standing here still. You're in his apartment stupid. Right.

"There's a bunch of places. Go somewhere else." I may sound harsh, but he can't keep showing up in my life. He already pisses me off like no other, and he's touched me like no one else too.
"Listen, I don't do hookups. I'm not that girl. I know you think I'm a slut but I'm not. So please I'm asking you to stay away from me. I can't handle another heart break right now." I was so pathetic.

"Okay. Then fuck off." And this is why he needed to stay the hell away. He was rude, degrading, and most of all a dick.

I ran to his door and sped my legs out of his suite. I cannot believe how stupid I was. Thank God I didn't sleep with him, but still. He touched me, parts of me only one other person had ever seen. I needed to get him out of my head.

I called Jen in hopes she could come pick me up, but no answer. Called Ruby, nothing. Alison too, nothing. I was out of options. I tried to walk home a bit but I had no idea where I was. Which only meant one thing. I'm going back up.


I knocked on Cades door lightly, I was too nervous about how pissed he'd be. Suddenly it opened.
"What the fuck do you want?" He hissed out.

"I'm sorry, I just don't have a way home. My friends aren't picking-" he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back inside.

"Spare bedroom down the hall. I'll get you some clothes." Wow. I expected him to yell at me or hit me or do something. He had showed me the bedroom earlier that night, expecting me to sleep off the alcohol. I guess since he had already planned on a guest, he didn't mind.

"Thank you." I said quietly as he put the clothes down on the bed. I cracked the door and started changing. I should've closed it but I've always been scared of shut doors, ever since my sister-

"Ahem" shit. Cades in the room. I didn't even notice the door open back up. I rush to cover my shirtless torso. Thank god I didn't take off my bra yet.

"Sorry. I came to see if you needed anything else." Why was he being so nice?

"No im okay. Thank you so much. For let me stay and everything." There was a weird tension lingering in the air, was it because of our fight earlier? Thinking about it caused anger to surge back up my spine. But I pushed the thoughts away so I could focus on being a nice house guest.

He didn't say anything back and just turned and left. I finished changing, taking off my bra, and climbed under the duvet. It was a king sized bed, super comfy. And much bigger than what I had in my apartment. Comfy enough that I fell right to sleep.

I woke up to mild screaming. Cade! I got up and ran out of the room, heading towards his room.
"No! Get off!" I heard him scream. When I opened the door I saw him shaking, he was still asleep.

"Cade! Cade get up. It's okay. You're okay." I tried to wake him. When he opened his eyes embarrassment flashed through them.

"Why the fuck are you in my fucking room. Get the fuck out" he raised his voice at me, filled with anger.

"I- you were having a nightmare. I was just, I wanted to help and make sure you were oka-"

"I said get the fuck out. Now." Damn alright then. I left his room. Tears threatening my eyes, what's new? It happened every time he insulted or yelled at me.

I head back to my room, no, his room and lied back down. This was too much for me, he was an awful human being. My mind was racing, I couldn't quiet my thoughts. Why was he screaming? What happened to him? Why did he yell at me? Why'd he let me stay? Did he think I was gross? I wasn't the prettiest, I was an average girl. Like I said, I had flab, stretch marks, I wore glasses sometimes. I was average. Nothing like the girls I'd seen him leave with. So why did he want me? Just to do it? Was it really meaningless? Yes. It had to of been. He does this all the time. Meaningless sex and hook ups. I'm thinking too much, I need sleep.


[ okay! Another chapter. Hopefully you guys are liking it so far, I do have a mature warning at the beginning but I'm going to revise it a bit to make sure no one misses it. Thanks for reading! <3 ]

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