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It had been a week without hearing from Cade. He hasn't even come to the coffee shop. I must've royally pissed him off. I've called him twice just because I can't stand when people are upset with me. I wanted him to talk with me at least, just so we could clear the air and avoid another problem. But it seemed that it was over. I wasn't too sure what it was but I couldn't help the feeling of sadness that washed over me when I thought about him.

My mom had finally left my apartment just three days ago, and I was missing her. I didn't anticipate that I would care much when she left; considering she was there for so long. But it left me alone, it was nice having someone in the place with me. She made me breakfast before work every morning and always made dinner too. However, it was nice having my privacy back.

Ruby and Jen had tried to get me out of the house and to the club, but I turned them down each time. I hadn't wanted to risk seeing Cade at the club with some girl, even though it shouldn't bother me. I just didn't like the tension between us and would rather avoid it. But it was a Friday night, and I had agreed to go out with them only if Alison came too. Sure enough, she agreed. So now I was stuck.
Ruby: I'm at your house girl, come out
And let the night begin.

We arrived at the club and walked towards the bar. I saw Ben standing in the corner so I figured why not say hey. He was nice to me, he hadn't reached out since our failed date though.

"Hey Ben! How are you?" I kept it polite and sweet. He eyed me up and down which made me shiver from being uncomfortable. I was dressed in a long and sparkly red dress that flowed out from my waist. I had thrown my hair up into a high pony tail before going out, and surely I wasn't looking my best.

"I'm good Stella. You look beautiful tonight." He said lowly. His voice was hoarse and shaky while talking to me, he was nervous? No one really called me beautiful before. It was nice.

"Well what do we have here princess?" Oh god. I know that voice anywhere. Ben glances behind me and I'm sure I know who he's looking at.

I whip my head around staring straight into his cold eyes. Once again, blood red around his green irises. "What do you mean Cade?" I know he's talking about me and Ben but I would rather make him say it.

"You know I don't like games babygirl." He steps closer to me. Calling me that name in public was brave of him, especially since he had no words for me this entire week.

"Why are you here?" Little did he know, I didn't like games either.

"Why are you?" He challenges.

"I asked first." He chuckles at my childish statement.

"I already told you I don't like games. So let's cut the shit." He was getting rude now, stern and assertive.

"Okay. I'm here because I'm having a good time with..." Except when I turn to point at Ben, I realize he's no longer standing anywhere near.

"Ah. Fun. I see, and did you fuck him as well?" What?

"No. I told you I'm not a slut, and I wouldn't do anything since of what we're doing." I wasn't sure what we were doing, it seemed more like a game of chess than anything. Strategic and smart, a game I would fail at.

"And what are we doing Ms Clover?" His voice is low, and he's talking with a tone I can't figure out.

"I don't- I'm not really sure. I just thought I shouldn't let anything affect us." I stammer out.

"There is no us Estella." He stepped closer to me, lowering his head to meet my gaze.

"Right. Well then I guess we're done here right?" I turn to walk away. Not looking back, and making sure to keep my arms glued to my side so he couldn't grab them. But instead, he's following me.

"Estella we need to make some things clear. You can't just walk away from me."

"Oh but I can. And I will because I don't need to stay here and listen to you insult me after what we- what you did to me." I was more emotional with this man than with any human I've met in my life.

"No you cant. Because I need to explain some things for you to get through your dull witted head." Ouch. I knew I was stupid for talking to him but that hurt. I was probably even more stupid for this though.

"Fuck you. Kill me, kill my sister. I don't give a shit. Do whatever the hell you want. But when I'm gone, and you realize I was the only one who ever took even the slightest chance on you, you'll wish you were the one six feet under." I was screaming, I hadn't realized how loud until I saw the heads turn towards us. All eyes pointing to me and him and wondering who would bite first, although I guess I already did.

His face changed immediately. "You're going to follow me outside and act like nothing is going on. Or so help me God; I will-"

"What Cade? Did you listen to what I said just now? Or are you the dull one? Kill me. I already told you, do it." I heaved heavily while saying this. It took a lot of bravery and confidence, but honestly he had to be bluffing. He's never killed anyone. There's no way.

With one swift lift, I was over his shoulder again. He dragged me out to his car this time and pushed me in the back. I should've been able to open the door but he made it a point to tell me the child locks were on. I was completely trapped.

He's utterly insane. When he turned to look at me I could see the fury in his eyes and I could feel the searing hot tension filling the small space of his car.


[ well damn, she went and pissed him off. But anyway guys!!! I'm so thrilled! I can't even comprehend the amount of love I feel through this screen right now! Thank you so so much, please comment and vote so I can hear what you're thinking! <3 ]

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