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I need to stop thinking about the other night. It's been an entire weekend now, and he still lives in my head. Okay so he's the first guy to have ever made me... ya know. But I don't need him. And he said it himself it was meaningless, plus he's an arrogant dick. I had plans tonight anyway. Remember Ben from the club that night? The night you let Cade finger you? Stop thinking about it! Ben got my number from Ruby, and he asked me on a date. Sure he was touchy at the club, but we were all drinking. Either way this was the perfect opportunity to get my mind off of Cade.

I had picked out a low cut laced top, with some ripped skinny jeans. It was casual but still kept me looking hot. I did some mascara, eye liner, the whole thing. And I waited patiently for his text that he was at my apartment. He hadn't told me where we were going, but I figured he would have a good place to go.
Ben: I'm outside beautiful.
Wow. What a man. A real man, not some asshole who just wants in my pants. Shit. I'm comparing them. Cmon Stell! You knew Cade for all of what? A week? Get over it. I'm going to go out tonight and have an amazing date with an amazing guy. Well I hope.

"Hey Estella! How are you" wow, no one ever says my full name.

"Great Ben, and you?" I hate small talk. I like the bigger conversations. It's more appealing. But I need to give him a shot right? We won't get anywhere by not taking chances.

"I'm good. Much better now that you're here. I have a reservation at Antonio's, I hope that's an okay place." Antonio's? I'm new here so I have no idea.

"Well, I'm new to Houston so I wouldn't know any other place." I giggle out. This could be fun right?

The drive is quiet, and he plays some music. It sounds like electro or maybe techno music? Are those the same? I have no idea. It's not bad though, it's not raps about pussy so there's that. His body spray is also suffocating me, but he's too sweet for me to care. I bet Cade would never take me on a date. Shit Stell shut up.

We get to the restaurant, and I realized just how underdressed I am. I thought it would be a casual night out, in fact Ruby told me casual night out. These women are in full on gowns. How do I compete with that? Suddenly my phone buzzes, thinking it's Ruby I check it.
Unknown: princess. Are you on a date?
How the hell does he know? What in the world? Samantha or Ruby had to have said something. Oh my god is he here? If he is then he's on a date.
Me: how did you get my number Cade?
Cade: same way I know you're on a date. Your friends are lovely by the way.
Shit. I told Samantha about the night I stayed at his house, I didn't think she'd go and tell him.

"Everything okay Estella?" This is going to be a long ass night. And why does he only call me by my full name?

"Yes. And you can call me Stella. That's what my friends call me" I smile politely at him. I can feel my phone buzzing more but I'm on a date and it would be rude to be texting another guy. However, Ben leaves for the bathroom and I just can't help myself.
Cade: is the date going well princess? Does he make you wet like I do?
Cade: are you thinking about my fingers?
Cade: babygirl. You do remember don't you?
I can't reply to those. That's what he wants. He wants me to get flustered. I won't give in. And thank god Ben is walking back because otherwise I would give in and text back. He looks nervous as he walks back to the table.

"Hey you!" Did I just say that? I am so lame.

"Hey. So what's on your mind?" What?

"What do you mean? I'm here with you and I'm so excited for this date! I couldn't have imagined a better place to eat tonight." I'm trying my best to calm him down and make him believe I wanna be here, because I do. It's not his fault I'm distracted. *buzz* shit. Don't check it don't check it don't check it. Okay I'm good. *buzz* oh my god, can this night end please?

Ben gave me advice on what to order, and we made some more small talk over dinner. I learned that he is in college for literature, which is what I went for. And he asked about why I'm not working in an office somewhere, but I didn't have the guts to tell him I'm trying to start over. I just want a new life, new job, new everything.

We didn't order dessert when we were done eating, but we did take a nice walk through a park nearby. It was starry out, and would've been a perfect setting to kiss in. Except I just didn't feel it with him. I hated it, had I met him two weeks earlier I may have been head over heels, but Cade happened. I can't even blame this on Cade, he was the definition of what I was avoiding in men. Ben was everything, he had a plan, a future, a good attitude. He was sweet and smart.

But there was no passion, no lust, no need. So we got in the car and he drove me home. He walked me up to the door and planted a small kiss on my cheek.
"I really did enjoy tonight Ben, I just don't think I'm ready for anything right now. Can we be friends?" I plead in hopes that he'll say yes and not be a jerk about it.

"Of course Stella, friends it is." Thank the lord. I could sleep peacefully now knowing I didn't break a heart today.

When I got inside I pulled out my phone for the first time since seeing Cades first texts.
Ruby: sorry, Cade wouldn't stop asking for your number
Jen: how did the date go!! Tell me everything
Cade: princess if I wasn't mistaking, I'd say you're ignoring me?
Yes. Yes Cade I am ignoring you. I shut off my phone and slide into bed. I can't deal with this. Not tonight.


[ so, not much Cade this chapter. But Ben made an appearance! I love Ben as a character, he's going to be showing up some more. Let me know what you thought about this chapter, and what you wanna see happen next! Thanks <3 ]

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