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Finally, once the footsteps stop, I get up and walk to my kitchen. I'm not sure what I'm gonna make considering I've been gone so long, but I'll search the cabinets anyway. Looking, looking, looking, ooh noodles! I'm genuinely starving, like it's a crime for me to treat my stomach this way. Oh my god, this was a party. There's literally food five steps from me, like homemade food.

Walking over to the food I hear a faint thud. Almost like something fell, but on carpet? The only carpet in this apartment is in my bedroom. And I was just in there. Whatever, it's probably just my mind. I've been so on edge ever since Seattle. Honestly, my whole life actually. I can't think of a time I was at ease, besides the cliff side.

Wow, the only time I've ever felt okay way standing on the edge of death. That's pathetic. As Cade would call me. I just don't believe the way he treated me, ya know? Like it's just wrong. And here I go again, thinking of everything that happened with him. I just want to let him go, that part of my life in all.

I dive my fork into this beautiful lasagna made by Kristine. It's amazing, phenomenal, exactly what I was craving. I flinch when another loud thud echoes through the tiny place. And I of course flung lasagna all over me, nice Stell, real nice. I don't have time to clean up before I'm walking toward my room.

Using the walls as my cover, I slowly peek my eyes across the room. And seeing no one, I assume I'm just insane. But to be sure I should check right? Yes, I should. If there's one thing being with Cade did teach me; it's that anything is possible and any situation can turn dangerous.

I carefully step into the room, and hearing a floorboard creak behind me I gasp before a hand quickly snaps over my mouth. Who the fuck? I struggle against the large hand, trying my best to get out of his hold.

"Stella it's me." David? No, he's in Seattle. He has to be. He lowers his hand calmly and I flip my head around.

"What? Why are you?" I step back, hitting myself against a wall. I'm cornered. I have nowhere to go.

"I just want to talk. Please, hear me out." Okay. Okay. I'll be fine.

"Yeah okay, sure go ahead." I say lightly, hoping not to trigger him with the slightest change in my voice. Memories flash through my mind of all the times I've been here. In this exact situation with him. All the times I told myself it was out of love when his hand would leave red marks on my cheeks. All the nights I spent wide awake retracing my steps that day trying to figure out what I did to make him angry.

"I think Cade is bad for you. And I know you're gonna say I don't have room to talk. But you need to know something." What could he possibly know about Cade?

"David. Thanks for the visit, really. But me and Cade don't even talk anymore. So I think it's just best if you go." Stepping towards me, he grabs my wrist.

"No Stell, I need you to listen to me." He grits through his teeth.

"Okay, okay. David just calm down-"

"Calm down? That's fucking rich. How the fuck can I calm down when you're out with a murderer. Out with the person who knows where your brother is!" He screams at me.

My brother? Wait no. No that's not possible. He doesn't even know about him, I never told him.
"What do you mean David?" Somehow my body finds a way to inch even further from him.

"Just please look at this." He pulls out his phone and hands it to me. It's just a voice recording?

"No shit Jax. Why the fuck would I tell her? Dylan is long gone anyway, it wouldn't matter. And she's too naive to ever even think I'd know. She's duller than you, and that says a lot.-"

I pause the recording as tears sting my eyes. Hearing him talk about me like that almost hurts more than when he says stuff to my face. God, I just wish he didn't affect me.

David grabs the phone and hits play on the recording.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. Yeah. Yeah, Jax I fucking get it. Don't tell her blah blah blah. Stop fucking babbling. Shit dude. If my whole plan is gonna work I need her to trust me, yes I know that. Why the fuck do you think I'm in Seattle right now. Putting up with this annoying ass family, and more so annoying ass Stella." His words cut deep. I knew he hated me but not this much. So that's my answer, it really was fake.

"Turn it off David." I whisper.

"You don't wanna hear the best part? Just wait for this Stells." He laughs maniacally. Fucking psycho.

"Shut the fuck up Jax! She's not gonna find out he's alive goddamn. I wouldn't let it happen, you know me. You know I'll kill her before she gets the chance anyway." And the recording ends. Tears actually stream down my face. I can't tell if it's relief or anger.

"Please leave." I say in a voice I don't even recognize.

"Where the hell is Cade now? Huh? If he's so big and protective and loves you so fucking much, where the hell is he?" He yells in my face.

"David please. I'm begging you to just leave." His hands are gripping my wrist again.

"I was the one who was there for you. I'm the one who's here now! Not him, me. It's time you grow the fuck up." A harsh slap collides with my cheek. A feeling I know all too well.

And suddenly he's gone. Ripped away from me. I don't have time to even look at who's in my apartment before collapsing to the floor, crying hysterically. Dylan's alive. He's alive. And Cade knew all along.


[ hi guys! Thank you so much for reading!! I cannot believe I've reached 20k reads! This is seriously a dream come true. I love you guys! Remember to please comment and vote, I love reading the comments!! See you soon💕 ]

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