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I woke up the next morning, on the floor again. I felt like I was a prisoner somewhere but with a man who didn't have the slightest interest in hurting me. Then again his words said otherwise multiple times. I knew he was different though, despite everything he had said and despite every fiber in my body knowing he was bad; all I could see was the good. He was damaged, and no I didn't want to fix him nor could I. But I could be there for him, be someone for him to release to.

The door swung open before I had time to process, this was a man I didn't recognize. Standing before me, in a button down polo with dress pants and boots on, he bored a whole through my skull.

"So you must be Estella." He had an accent, a thick English one.

"Who are you? Cade will be right back I promise." He would wouldn't he? I knew he was mad at me but surely he wouldn't send anyone to hurt me.

"Oh honey, Cade sent me. Seems he was tired of all the games and ready to rid himself of you." No, he wouldn't. He said he would protect me. We shared a kiss, I- that had to change something.

"What will you do to me?" I mumbled.

"Nothing you won't like." He smirked at me, walking closer. Before Cade appeared in the doorway.

"I see you've met Derek." He says through gritted teeth. Almost masking his anger in a way I haven't seen before.

"Derek?" I turned to look at the English man on my right side. He did a subtle nod towards me as if saying hello in a casual manner.

"Boss, I was just telling her how fine she is." He says with a small smirk behind his words, clearly trying to piss Cade off.

"Derek is here to talk some business. He shouldn't have wondered off. Sorry." Cade apologizing to me?

"Right. Well anyway. I'm gonna go back to doing absolutely nothing while I stare at these walls some more." I sarcastically act as though I'm excited about my nothingness.

Cade went to say something but closed his mouth and walked out, leaving me and Derek alone here.
"Here's your phone. I found it in well... in a place. I guess now you owe me one?" He says suggestively. I'm desperate though so I take my phone and nod. He walks out following Cade.

I immediately turn on my phone and see all of the messages that Cade has neglected this entire time.
Jen: girl where are you??
Ruby: it's been like two days what's happening?
Alison: hey the girls are getting pretty worried, u ok?
Ben: I heard you were gone, you aren't with Cade right? He's dangerous
Mom: why haven't you called me in two days? Jules is sick. Call me.
I stopped reading when I saw the text from my mom. Dropping everything, I dialed her number. Sick in terms of Jules either meant suicidal, or unwilling to take her meds. Neither would benefit anyone in the family.

"Mom?" I question her. "What's happening with Jules, is she okay?" Oh my god did Cades men get to her?

"She's alright, her and Jeremy broke up. She spiraled a bit but we're handling it, no thanks to you." Harsh. And who the hell was Jeremy? Hadn't she just been with some guy named Kev?

"I'm sorry mom. Things have been crazy, I haven't really been near my phone recently." I wasn't lying to her or anything. Just simply avoiding certain topics.

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