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Cade had gone down to sleep on the couch after leaving my room. He told me he had killed people, and yet I wasn't kicking him out. My family was in this house, under the same roof as him. How could I let them be in such danger? Who was he?

I tossed and turned in bed, how was I even going to fall asleep? I couldn't. I needed a drink or something to make me feel better. I pulled off my covers and decided to go downstairs to grab a snack and a drink, Cade should be asleep by now.

I crept down the steps making sure to be as quiet as I could. When I got to the bottom I could hear him.

"No. Please! Don't kill her please!" It was a nightmare... something I've avoided since I found out he had them. My instincts took over and I rushed to his side. I lightly patted his back and combed my fingers through his hair.

"You're okay Cade. It's just a dream." I whispered to him, his eyes fluttered open as he turned to look at me. Confusion was written all over his face, until a wave of thought hit him and he realized what was happening.

He shot up, staring at me sitting on the floor next to the couch.
"What happened?" He coughed out. Was he embarrassed?

"You were- you had a. You were having a bad dream." I finally got out. Shit was he going to try and kill me?
"I was really just trying to help." I stood from my spot on the ground. I was stunned by what I had done, this was so stupid of me. I couldn't stop myself from trying to ramble out of this mess.
"I didn't really see anything or hear anything. Well I mean I heard you yelling- but it was nothing. Really I'm sorry for even waking you-"

He pulled me to his lap, wrapping his arms around me. What was happening? I thought he would be mad, furious even, that I touched him or woke him up. But here I was sitting on his lap as his arms were tightly held against my torso.
"Thank you." He cleared his throat and let go of me. I was too frozen to move.

"I don't understand." I turned around to face him, still seated on him. I know I should get up but I literally cannot make my body move. I'm completely shocked at what just happened and I don't even think I can feel my legs at the moment.

"Thank you for waking me up." Was all he said before he picked me up and put me down on the couch cushion next to him.

"You're not upset?"

"No. It's okay." He was too calm about this. Every time Cade was too calm something bad happened.
"Stella really, it's okay." He assured me before asking "why are you still up?".

"I couldn't uh- I just couldn't sleep." I was still stumbling over words from the interaction that happened just a few minutes ago.
"I came down to get a snack and drink." I squeaked out. My voice was so quiet, I felt invisible to the world right now. As if I was standing alone on an abandoned planet with just Cade.

"Well I guess I could use a snack too." He got up and walked towards the kitchen.

"I'm confused." I stated clearly, I mean who was this man standing in front of me and what happened to the Cade who kills?

"On what princess?"

"You're acting so different than earlier. You once wanted to murder me for so much as hearing your nightmares, and now you're just getting a snack with me?"

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