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We stood there embracing one another while the rain pelted the ground beneath us. His forehead was on mine and my heart fluttered at the closeness.

"You can't leave E. Don't do that shit ever again." He was really upset about this wasn't he? Memories flooded back from the car ride where he sang those lyrics to me as if they explained everything. Should I fear leaving him?
"Tell me you won't. Tell me you're not leaving." The desperation in his voice was something I hadn't heard before.

"I'm not leaving." I whispered to him, I wasn't even sure if I meant it. How could I commit to not leaving a man who only ever brought me harm? He also brought you euphoria.

He placed his hand on the back of my neck as he pulled me back to him, kissing me again passionately. This was a scene in my story that I will never forget. No matter what pain he brings me, no matter what storms I have to get through, this memory will forever be mine.

I placed my hands under his shirt, slowly sliding them up to feel his torso. He had tattoos littered across his chest that I had only seen once or twice in moments where his shirt was off. I traced the specific tattoo of a rose in the center of his chest, the thorns seems to have quotes written in them.

They were too small for me to make out what they said. I didn't mind them, I focused back on his lips dancing along mine, ripping his shirt from him. We were completely soaked in the rain- yet it felt as though we were completely dry in our own bubble. When I was with him, the world got quieter and I adored the silence.

He stepped away from me for a quick second, I struggled to control my sadness. He opened the door for me to climb into, wouldn't I soak his seats? I climbed in without giving too much thought. He flicked on the radio before climbing into the back with me. He pulled me closer and continued to kiss me with lust, pulling away for a second I got a glimpse of the color in his eyes. His demeanor had changed, he was desperate, vulnerable even. His eyes said he needed me to never leave him, they were glossy with fear and hopelessness. Feelings I knew all too well.

I ran my thumb along his jaw line as I stared into his eyes, telling him it was okay with mine. He was safe now; he would be safe with me. The pain I could see hiding in that mind of his made my heart ache for him. What had happened to him? I don't know if I would ever get the answers.

He pulled my forehead against his again, his need peeking through.
"Please." He said brokenly, I leaned in and kissed him again.We moved in slow motion it felt like, as the music took over and flowed through our bodies.

Waves on the ocean, hearts in the sand
Doors swinging open and closing again
Tracing your lines in the star filled sky
Grace washing over you

We deepened the kiss, becoming as close as we could with one another. He ran his fingers up my thigh where I had hidden the marks that he had yet to find. His breathing was shaky; this was new territory for him— slow and intimate.

It wasn't like I had done much of this either. It was never special with anyone else, I was completely obsessed with this man. Everything he did, every corner he touched on me, I was sure I'd let him do anything to me. He was everything I craved all at once.

So hold the ones you love tonight
Don't let go, don't blink
Cause time is gonna pass you by
It's always ticking down
So all we have is now
What if all we have is now?

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