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I needed her to believe I wanted her as more than just a Fuck. I needed her to fall at my feet, and I knew women. I knew how to do this. So yes, I changed my attitude completely and took her on a date. I've been on one date my entire life, and it was absolutely awful. The girl was boring as shit and made me want to run out of the restaurant. But this was different, I was doing this for her. Shit no, for me. And the company.

Jax had ran to Derek with my predicament, and Derek was pissed. I was in charge of him, but he knew he got under my skin. I didn't tell him much because he always seemed to be a pussy and make it a big deal. When in reality, like now, it wasn't. He was just prissy that the sales on our specialties weren't very high. But I had a plan, first I just needed to get this bitch to fall for me. Then I could use her however I pleased.

"Here we are princess. The beautiful cliff side." I had finally convinced her to get the fuck out of the car, damn she was annoying.

"Why are you being so nice to me? A week ago you had me pinned up ready to chew my head off." I was hoping we were past that by now, but leave it to little miss perfect to hold grudges.

"I've apologized. I'm not sure what more you expect." I said plainly, there was no point in begging. I didn't really give a shit what she thought anyway. So why are you here with her? I was here purely for business. That's it. She stayed silent after my remark, and I motioned her to the blanket I had set down.

I had my maid pack some type of dinner so I could take the credit and win her over. What more did girls like her need? She had a picnic and a beautiful view; that's what they want right? That's what makes them fall in love? Shit maybe I wasn't such an expert. Guess my charm will have to do.

She was sitting way too far from me. As if she was scared I'd murder her right here, well I wouldn't put it past me, but I wasn't going to. This was all part of a much bigger picture than her just pissing me off. Jax was the one who first brought the idea to me that she could be of use, the day after our wonderful night on my kitchen counter. Derek agreed, and thus began the plan. What wasn't apart of it, was her bringing up my nightmares that night and sending me off the rails. Fucks sake it was the third weeknight in a row she was at the club. But it's in the past now. I just need to be smart about this and stick to the plan.

"I'd say you look quite uncomfortable if I'm reading the aura correctly." I tried to sound sophisticated, she seemed like sort of a nerd. A hot nerd. No, just a nerd.

"I'm sitting here with someone who wants me dead and has now threatened my family too. So yeah I'd say I'm not the most relaxed." Sarcastic, I liked it. It made me chuckle. Which seemed to piss her off, and I liked that even more.

"Well Princess, I made a promise. And I make good on my word. So you don't have to worry" I scooted closer to her. Her legs shifted, and her body tensed up. "Already reacting to me from a few feet away?"

"No. Unless you count fear." She was lying, her voice had become shaky. She was a bad liar.

"Ms. Clover it seems you're bad at lying" teasing her is what would make her lighten up right? I mean it had to. God she was so uptight, unwilling to let go.

"I'm not lying." She was keeping it simple tonight, I didn't hate it but it was starting to bore me. Maybe I did like her attitude after all.

"Right then you won't mind me doing this." I scooted even closer and rested my hand along her thigh, her skin already on fire. I could see the redness creep up her cheeks in a way I've come to love, Christ did I miss that. The fuck? No I didn't.

Her silence became my answer, and I slid my hand further up her thigh. Her eyes watching me the entire time until I reached right there. She was breathing heavier now, I hadn't even touched her pussy yet. I was just grazing her inner thigh.

"Cade. Stop. This is a bad idea." When a woman says stop I stop, so I pulled my hand away. I didn't need to force myself to get women to fuck. Besides if she wanted to be a prude she can be.
"Are you mad?" She was quiet and shaky with her tone. It pissed me off.

"Why are you like that? Acting as if someone has a gun to your head 24/7. I came here to have fun, not bore myself to death with a priss." It came out harsher than I intended but it needed to be said.

"I knew the nice you wouldn't last. So you're mad because I said no? I'm sorry you don't enjoy rejection but has it ever occurred to you I simply don't want you like that?" Lies.

"No I don't think so" I said in sarcasm. "It did seem like you wanted me when you came for me."

"Would you stop bringing that up!? Jesus, is it all you think about? Yeah okay I was desperate and I looked to you for pleasure. But fuck I learned my lesson trust me." She stood up and walked towards the car. And damn if I was gonna let her walk away from me.

I flipped her around when I reached the car and pinned her to the door. "Sweetheart, I don't appreciate when someone walks away from me. It's in your best interest not to do it again." I could feel her trembling from my words.

"I'm never getting out of this." She whispered.

"No princess. I'm afraid you're not. Now we can indulge in some fun that I know you fucking need, or we can continue the night pretending you're not aching for me to fuck you. Your choice." Her cheeks flushed again. She looked at the ground but I wouldn't allow that.

I pulled her jaw up and made her face me. I was in charge, it was about damn time she realized it. Leaning down, I whispered in her ear, so close my lips grazed her. "Are you gonna play the easy way, babygirl?"

"Yes." She muttered out. Well there. That wasn't so hard. So I kissed her, hard and passionately. Pinning her to the car, letting her whimper into my mouth.


[ well I think we all know what's coming next chapter... anyways thank you for reading! And please don't forget to vote or comment, comments make the books better ;) I'm astounded by the support I've received and I truly couldn't be happier! Next chapter soon <3 ]

Through The StormOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora