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He nods. Before I realize what I'm doing, my arms are wrapped tightly around him, tears streaming down my face at an uncontrollable speed. I can feel him hugging me as if he'll lose me any second.

And then I pull back, take a good look at him, and smack him across the face. His hand flies up to rub the cheek I hit before looking at me with understanding.

"What the hell Dyl? How could you leave us for so long?" I push his shoulder, tears still falling down my face.

"Stell, I wish it were a simple answer, but it's a long story. I shouldn't even be here right now. But I know Cade fucked up and for some odd reason I wanna help fix that."

"Dylan... you can't fix what he's done. He's made his grave, let him lay in it."

"And what exactly did he do? From what I hear, he left you this morning, don't you think it's something small enough that he deserves a second chance?" I laugh at this. Of course, that would be all Cade tells him. I don't think I'd expect anything more.

"No, that's not all he's done. That wouldn't even bother me. It's the fact that he made promises multiple times, and every time he shows me that he's incapable of keeping them."

"What promises?" He looks mad. Very mad. He's tall now, taller than me, he's buff with broad shoulders. This isn't the little brother I knew years ago.

"Just promises, it's not a big deal. Tell me who you are now. Tell me this long story you speak of. But first let's go inside and talk over dinner—I can cook for you!"

I grab the chicken I had pulled out to make for Cade tonight, obviously he's not here. I add my seasoning and stick it in the air fryer. "Air fryers are a work of art." I say to break the silence.

"I wouldn't know. I don't cook."

"And why is that? Don't tell me you have a maid or something. That is not how we grew up." I feel annoyed at the fact that he's wealthy now. He's rich and handsome and has left my family to fend for themselves.

"What do you expect me to do? I work constantly." He states.

"I would expect if you had the money to have a maid that you would help mom out." I turn to grab the roasted potatoes I had made last night. Popping them in the microwave, I roll my eyes at him.

"Stell, you know why I couldn't come home, don't you?"

"No, if you didn't notice we haven't really talked recently." I know I should be happy he's here now, but what about all the time he's missed? I mean, what about when dad died? When I was in the hospital? When Jules went to rehab? Where was he then?

"Okay. I'm sorry. I'll tell you everything. I was taken from the backyard that night by two guys. They put me into training and isolated me from everything. At 15 I shot someone for the first time—"

"You what?" I nearly yell, slamming down the knife in my hand as I'm fixing our plates.

"Yeah. It's a long story. Anyways, I trained and trained until they saw me as someone who could lead."

"Lead what?" I'm scared to know.

"Stella, it's a gang. I'm the leader of the top gang here, Ghosts. That's what we're called. I kill people, I sell drugs, I—"

"No, no, no. Stop. You're joking. No, Dylan please tell me you're lying." I plead. We're finally sitting to eat, finally back together again. And he tells me this?

"I really wish I was. I am so sorry for leaving you. For leaving everyone. I'm sorry I wasn't there for the rehab or Dad's death" He knew about that stuff?

"You could've sent mom money; you could've sent cards. I-I don't even know you."

"Stell, please forgive me. And please forgive mom for what I'm about to say."


"Mom did get money. I sent her monthly checks. That's how she got enough to pay for rehab and dad's hospital bills." No, that can't be true.

"But, if she knew you were alive...why didn't she tell me?"

"I told her she couldn't. So, now you know." I don't know shit. I don't know who my brother is anymore. I haven't seen him in what 13 years now?

"Okay. Wow, I guess I missed a lot." I lightly chuckle. "Why is our family so fucked?" I can't help but say it out loud. I mean why does this shit happen to us. I scrape my food to the side, making it look like I ate more before picking it up and scraping it into the trash. I wasn't hungry anyway.

Dylan stands from the table, coming to me. He pulls me in for a hug to comfort me, stroking my hair like I used to do for him when he would get a scrape or bruise.

Wait oh god, "Is Cade in that gang?"

"Yes. That's why he left this morning. He had to come meet me. I just got back from a business trip." He replies.

"Wait Cade said he was the boss, but you just said you were." I'm so confused by all of this.

"He is the boss of his district; I am the boss of all of them. We lead together, Cade is my second hand." Great. They're besties.

"He choked me." I state. I'm not sure why I'm saying this to him, in fact I don't know if it's even a good idea. What if he kills him?

Dylan pulls away from me quickly, balling his fists, face going red with anger. "He. Did. What?"

"Well, I called him a whore. It was my fault to be fair." I calmly whisper.

"Estella, it will never be your fault. Ever. I have to go do something; I'll be right back." He motions to leave.

"No, wait. Please stay with me." What if he wants to go kill Cade? "Please don't hurt him, Dylan."

"Don't hurt him? He put his fucking hands on you! Stell, I have to go. I love you; I promise I will be back."

"Dylan?" I call to him before he can go.

"Yes?" He is seething with rage; I can see it.

"Are you gonna kill him?"

"No Stell, I just need to show him who he's messed with." He goes to storm out, but I follow him out the door.

"Wait, one more question and then you can go."

Dylan lets out a big sigh, rolling his eyes. "What?"

"Does Jules know you're back, that y-you're alive?" I can barely speak the words as it's all too surreal.

"No. Call her. Now Estella, call her now."

"Why are you saying it like that?"

"They need to get here now. That's all I will tell you. Now that you know, now that Jules has to know, you all need protection." Then he leaves. I'm left alone with Dylan's half eaten dinner still on the table.

I pick up my phone and hit her contact, patiently waiting as the line rings until I hear it click.

"Stell? Is everything okay? You never call me."

"You and mom need to come to Houston. Right now. It's urgent. Don'tfreak out, you guys just need to get here quickly."


[ Guys, it has been way too long. I am so sorry. I'm in the middle of my semester and drowning in school work. But I love you all, I am so very thankful for you guys. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Some major shit is going down soon, and the end of the book is quite close. Love you! <3 ]

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