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We fell asleep together again last night. I'm obsessed with sleeping next to him. It may be my new favorite thing. I know I can't let myself get too comfortable. I mean its Cade, he's unreliable, hateful, inconsiderate—why am I with him? I couldn't answer that even if I tried, it's way too complicated for me to even comprehend.

I turn over to snuggle closer to him only to realize he's not here. Did he leave? Maybe he's just in the bathroom, it's possible right? I walk to the bathroom calling out "Cade? Are you in there?" No response. "Cade? Hello?" still nothing.

I cautiously open the door to find no one's in there. Where the hell did he go? Walking to the kitchen I can't help but hate myself for thinking this time would be different. I mean why would he leave? After yesterday, after everything we talked about. He promised he wouldn't hurt me again. Did he really lie to me again that quickly? Do I mean absolutely nothing to this man?

He's nowhere to be found. This apartment is small, and I've searched everywhere at this point, even my closet. Do I call him, or do I just wait and hope he comes back?

I'm calling him. Ringing, ringing, ringing. No answer.

Hey Cade, it's Estella. I'm just calling to ask where you went and if you're okay—are we okay?

Everything is fine, at least if I tell myself that enough times, I'll believe it. I'll just go about my day normally. I have work in about an hour, so that'll keep me occupied.

I've been applying to multiple different companies, magazines, newspapers, anything I could find. It was time for me to get back into what I loved most, writing. When I was in college, I had one goal—to become an editor, publisher, or author. Now obviously, I've put that on hold for long enough. It's a surprise I still even have my job at the café, but nonetheless I need something new.

I apply some light makeup before putting on my apron and heading to the coffee shop. It's bright out today, brighter than normal. Or maybe it just feels as though I'm beginning to find the light at the end of this long and dark tunnel. These past few weeks have been the most confusing and unsettling times in my life.

A year ago, if someone told me all the shit I've learned since being in Houston, I would've told them they were insane. Then again, it's been almost a year since I've been here. Although it feels like way less time.

I arrive at the coffee shop, greeted by those I've missed so much. Kristine sees me from behind the counter and rushes to hug me, picking me up.

"Oh Estella, how I've missed your beautiful face!"

"You saw me at my welcome home party, remember?" I lightly laugh.

"Ah, yes. It was only really in passing though before you kicked everyone out." She chuckles. Yeah, I wonder if she knows why I kicked everyone out, if she knows her godson is my downfall and the sole reason for all of my craziness recently. Probably not.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I was having an overwhelming day and just needed rest."

"It is totally understandable my dear, and I'm sure Cade hasn't helped." Does she know what's been going on?

"Yeah, right." I give her a soft smile before rounding the corner to get to the register. I set my stuff down beside me and pull my hair back quickly. "Well, it's really good to be back. I'm sorry I've missed so much time—and without even telling you."

"Oh please, Cade told me it all. I'm just happy you're okay and back." No really, what does she know?

I nod at her before turning my attention to the door. Of course, the one and only person I need to avoid today walks in. Striding up to the counter, his eyes don't leave mine.

"Oh, I better get going." Kristine says quietly. Shit, this is going to be fun, isn't it?

"How can I help you?" I'm playing it as if he's just another customer.

"A black coffee please." He clears his throat. Okay, so is he mad or something? Shouldn't I be the one who's mad? He left me this morning, again. I nod to him and turn away to get his coffee. A cold soul he has.

"E." he says ever so lightly. Without turning my back towards him, I respond.


"Can you look at me?" I hate him.

"Nope, I'm getting your coffee."

"Estella, please." Why does he make me feel bad? How is it that anything he does wrong, I end up feeling bad about it?

"What Cade?" I say harshly turning around to glare at him.

"I'm sorry I left this morning. Let me make it up to you." No.

"Okay, explain why you left and if I think it's a good reason then you can make it up to me."

"I can't tell you." Knew it.

"Then no. That'll be 4.75 please." I smile while handing him his coffee.

"After work, can we talk?"

"Are you gonna tell me why you left?"

"I can't do that E."

"Then no. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have more customers." He scoffs and walks away. Good. "Next" I call out.


I finish closing down the shop and prepare myself to walk home. Cade never showed back up, which doesn't surprise me. I think part of me hoped he'd come back and demand I listen to what he has to say—that he would have a good reason for leaving with no explanation. I push away the thoughts of him and grab my bag, leaving and locking the door behind me.

It's not super late, only 8 o'clock. We're a coffee shop, I'm not even sure why we're open that late. Either way, it doesn't matter. An email pops up on my phone, oh my god. I got a job! It's for a publishing company, this is amazing. No more coffee days—not that I had many to begin with. But now I have a real job and Cade can't say otherwise.

I'm almost to my door, I can barely contain my smile. And then I see a man, one that's so familiar but I swear I don't know him. He's sitting on my steps, oh god, did something happen to Cade? He's in an all-black hoodie, just sitting there. I decide to keep walking just in case it's a murderer or something.

"Estella" I hear a voice call. Raspy, deep, but still so familiar. I turn my back to face the man. Streetlights shining on him. It can't be, this isn't real.



[ Finally worked up the motivation and creativity to write another chapter. I'm so sorry that it's been so long since I've updated, and I promise I am really trying to get it together. Thank you guys so much for the continuous support and love, it means so much to me! Love you guys! <3 ]

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