Chapter 1

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"404, coast is clear. You should have a clear pathway to the security room" said a concentrated voice over the ear piece, a cut off buzz being heard once the voice stopped.

"Got it."

Wilbur was right, there were no guards in the long and white corridors, pictures hung on both sides that seemed to be very evenly spaced out. It looked slightly eerie, everything placed so symmetrically and perfectly but that didn't matter. He wouldn't have to be there for long.

George adjusted his white clout glasses as he ran down the corridor, still being observant even if Wilbur told him that the coast was clear. You could never be too careful.

All he had to do was get to security room, hack in and clear openings for Wilbur and Nikki. Simple enough. He had done this many times before, though for some reason he felt more tense. I mean, this was the Manberg base they were getting into after all. If they got caught, they would be worse than dead meat.

He swung his bag off, taking out his laptop in one fast swoop and connecting it to the security cameras. The process didn't take long as he quickly typed, soon being able to triumphally say;

"I'm in. Proceed to the exit on the left and up the stairs to the first floor. You'll find two guards on the right. When you enter they will be faced backwards for you so you two should be fine."

"Good, on it" Wilbur replied as George tapped away, looking at the security cameras and back at his own laptop. Of course there wouldn't be anything valid here... only door openings. No big base would be that stupid.

But that's fine, George was prepared for the challenge.

"Karl, is there anything I can get from here? Or is the information room where I need to be?"

It didn't take too long for a quieter, and slightly less serious voice to pipe up.

"U-uh... no, security room is strictly for managing security. But! You could open the door to the information room, it's a three door room so the last door you'll have to work your magic.. second room is for the key."

That's what Wilbur and Nikki were currently getting; the key to the information room, the more important part of this mission. Philza knew that it was risky as hell to get this information yet he still went on with the plan. Guess that's what happens with rivalling mafias... it was nothing new to George.

"404, what way now..?" A soft and delicate voice asked, clear heavier breaths that you would hear while someone is running.

George looked across the room where he saw a blonde female and brunette male run down a corridor on the monitor, disappearing and then reappearing on another one.

"Turn left and there should be the office room. I don't know how many people are in there but from what I can guess, around 5. I'll start heading for the information room."

"Sounds good to me 404" Wilbur replied as George unplugged everything, going back to running down the corridor.

The information room was on the second floor, two floors above him. It was the most heavily guarded floor but Nikki must have already taken care of that. She was skilled at martial arts, especially hitting pressure points that could make the human body go limp. He had seen it multiple times in actions, some of those times performed on Wilbur himself.

Compared to the grand looking corridors, the exit stair way looked far from elegant, simple stone steps and grey walls. For such a wealthy mafia... George was surprised to see that he wouldn't go the extra lengths to make all of his property extra. Especially due to the perfectly symmetrical walls he had just ran down.

The manberg mafia was well known for their hit men, easy and smooth kills with no evidence left for anyone to know fully happened. George couldn't help but wonder where these so called 'amazing' hitmen where. So far Nikki and Wilbur havnt gotten any attention but surely that wouldn't last long.

Just as he predicted, Nikki already cleared the path for him, big men in suits laying limply against the walls, their heads low. They weren't dead... at least he hoped they weren't. He knew he would never be able to pull something like that off yet Nikki, which was much smaller than him, found it easy. He admired her for that.

The first door to the information room was open, George activating it in the security room. He impatiently stood in front of the second door, looking around for any guards or people. Why wasn't it open yet-? Shouldn't they have opened it by now? He looked down at his watch. He was perfectly on schedule time...

"What on earth..." he grumbled to himself. This mission was far too risky to be slacking off or slowing the tempo down.

"Wilbur, why is the door locked?" He said through the ear piece, getting no response for about a minute. This was unlike him...

"Wilbur! Answer me, Nikki?"

•that's it for chapter 1!
•not a lot but this is just the start :>

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