Chapter 8

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A few hours had passed, George had written all the important parts on a digital notebook ready for Philza to look through when he returned. He was surprised at how little there was... sure, he had a lot of unnecessary and weird data to go through but it seemed as if a lot wasn't there. As if someone had specifically taken it out. Philza had decided on the plan to storm their base literally a day before they did it, they couldn't have expected it.

It seemed deleted though it just seemed natural, almost as if the files were made but haven't been filled out yet. It confused George but after spending a few hours reading through it all, he had gathered a small list of what mafias Manberg was planning on attacking and any smaller plans they had. It was probably time to head back home.

He got up, looking up at the sky as he closed his laptop. It had just turned past noon, or so he thought. In reality it was around 3pm.

He packed his bag and got up, brushing himself off. It looked like a very warm day, lots of people wearing short sleeves and shorts. Good thing he was sitting under a tree he thought.

George began walking back, taking the same route as before but this time having to get out the bus two stops before his usual stops. Some accident happened, not letting any cars get past. George was alright with it though, it wasn't too far.

He knew he should get home fast though, knowing that Phil probably had food ready for them by now.

He would turn down the narrow path way, starting to walk away from the streets. It was much darker here, sun barley being able to shine down into the alleyway. Many would be afraid to walk down an alleyway, especially in such a big city like this, but George never felt afraid. He was used to it, the silence of the alleyway.

He usually didn't feel anything when walking down it.

But this time he did.

An almost eerie feeling, a feeling to look back in case someone was there. He tried to ignore it, guessing it was just because of what happened the day before. But the feeling didn't stop. In fact it grew stronger and stronger the longer he walked. He finally turned around, standing still as he looked from wall to wall for anyone.

It was empty.

Suddenly it was quiet again, dark and quiet, the busy street being faintly visible in the distance.

He continued to walk.

The feeling felt weird, it was a heavy feeling in his stomach and he didn't like it at all. What was going on? He had walked in the alleyway multiple times, why the sudden urge to sprint? Didn't they say it's always good to follow a gut instinct? Especially if he had not felt this way before.

And just like that, he turned and began to run, throwing on his hood and holding onto his bag. Whatever this feeling was, it was obviously there for a reason, he wouldn't simply ignore it. He had worked in a mafia far too long to be able to simply ignore a sensation like this on.

He ran, not really focusing too much on the turns he made until he reached a two way split. His running came to a halt as he looked around frantically, trying to figure out where he was. This wasn't the usual route he took and with the possible dangers behind him, standing and looking around wasn't helpful when it came to time.

That's when he heard a knife being frown, the small knife missing his face by an inch as it dug into the wooden pallets in front of him. George took a step back from sudden realisation as he started running down one of the alley ways. Even if it were the wrong one, he couldn't stay there. He had to continue running. But who the hell was following him right now, and why-

Surprisingly he had turned the right way, soon knowing exactly where he was and getting back to the base quickly, slamming the door behind him. Minx was in the corridor playing on her phone. She looked up,

"Where the fuck have you been- why are you so sweaty-?"

George panted, trying to catch his breath as he took off his hood. What the heck was that!? Nobody was ever in those alleys, sure, sometimes people were there, even sketchy people that wanted to sell stuff or wanted a one night stand but they never payed attention to him. And definitely DIDN'T THROW KNIVES AT HIM-

"W-where's Phil-?" He managed to choke out as he looked at the confused Minx.

"Jesus, get some fucking water. Philza is where he usually is."

She seemed awfully confused but went back to playing her game as George walked past her and down to Phil's office. By the time he reached it, he had already calmed down and caught his breath.

He opened the dark wooden door, walking in and closing the door. Before he could even say anything, Nikki ran up to him.

"Thank god your okay!" She said worriedly, examining George. Once seeing that he wasn't hurt, you could see her relax a little.

What..? George looked at Philza, his face serious as he looked back at George.

"We have a slight problem."

•thank you for reading 'Into you'!
•I hope you enjoyed :)

Into you // DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now